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"Daddy! No!"

I glare at Aiden until he pouts and sits down in his child seat. "I don't give a fuck you don't want to go to school. I say you're going, then you're fucking going."

Camilla, next to Aiden, gasps audibly. Clenching my jaw, I look at her. She's already safe in her harnas, done for school. Her hands are curled into fists and she's glaring at me.

"No cursing! I'll tell mommy!" she shouts, shifting in her seat. I bite my tongue.

Fucking snitch.

"No you won't," I tell her. "Because I'll steal your dolls if you do. Do we have a deal?"

She gasps again, seeming horrified. I smirk. I've got her. That is, until— "If you take her dolls, you'll lose a hand," Dominic grits out behind me.

I finish clicking Aiden in his seat and close the door of the backseat. He's scowling at me, the backpacks of the kids in his hand. "You hear me? Touch her dolls and you won't get to touch them again. Ever."

Ash rolls his eyes and joins our babies on the backseat. I exhale deeply, not escaping Dominic. "You did eat Aiden's donut yesterday."

He frowns. His eyes widen after. "Oh fuck, that was his? Shit."

I decide to not waste another minute on anyone else's shit. I'm extremely irritated today.

"Fuck off," I grumble and get in the driver's seat. Dominic joins in the passengers, which annoys me even more. My whole fucking car is full of people. We have hundreds of cars, but nope. Suddenly everyone has to go along with me.

"Mommy won't be happy with you, daddy," Aiden shouts. Dominic and Asher chuckle, knowing Daisy's serious about not cursing around the kids.

Hell. Who fucking cares.

"No! Mommy will stop all kisses!" Camilla adds. My hands tighten around the steering wheel. Fucking hell.

Don't get me wrong. I love those two little bastards. They just get a lot sometimes, especially when they start threatening with telling Daisy stuff. Like right now. I am the only one who didn't get a goodbye kiss or hug and she didn't tell me she loves me. Thanks to these two, I won't get that for another fucking day.

"If you stay silent to mommy, I'll . . ." I hesitate. I've blackmailed them almost every time I had to bring them to school, so I'm running out of ideas.

"If not, daddy will cry," Asher whispers not so silently. I turn in my seat and glare daggers at him.

He's not wrong. He just doesn't have to call me out on stuff.

Dominic nudges me. "Get started, they're late already. And you know how strict Daisy—" "I'm going, I'm going! Jesus."

I start the car and drive away, slightly relaxing as I hear the kids chatting about how excited they are to go to school. They might be little snitches, but they're cute enough to get away with it.

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