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I'm aware of changes around me

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I'm aware of changes around me.

I can feel the movement. I see the shadows of people against the light, even through my closed eyes. It annoys me. 

Why can't I ever catch a break of people?

I want to turn on my side and shield myself from everyone but surprisingly, I have little control of my body. The most I can do is move my fingers and I'm not even sure if it's visible.

Panic settles in  my mind. I can't move. Why can't I move?

Okay. I try to think of everything's that happened before I woke up three minutes ago. Father shooting me. Me desperately trying to wake Camilla. Daisy storming inside the room, as an angel coming to rescue me. And then eventually me passing out in the car. I remember the pain being so bad it blinded me.

Maybe listening to my surroundings can help me situate where I am. I have a slight presumption I'm in the hospital, but for all I know, I could be dead.

There's a continuing beep on my right side. Actually, no, not on my right, but somewhere more behind my head. I'm guessing that's my heart monitor. 

Then there's the sound of heels clicking through the room. It's not Daisy's rhythm, it's much faster, and it irritates the fuck out of me. Fortunately, it dies out together with a door closing. 

The room is silent before a soft voice asks, "Why is dada not waking up?" It's Aiden, I could recognize his name out of thousands.

I want to scream that I have woken up. I'm awake and I'm here for you.

But nothing in my body works with me. Not my eyes, not my voice and nothing else. It drives me crazy. 

"He'll wake up," I hear Asher say. I imagine him lifting Aiden off his chair and putting him on his lap. Another question bubbles up. Where is Camilla? And with that one, others follow. Is she safe? Is Daisy okay? Where is Easton? Is Seb still a part of our family?

A knock sounds. I want to frown. Leave them alone. 

"Mrs Whitlock, your daughter is requesting you on her room. Will you go look at her or should I tell her to come here like this morning?" Daisy answers with the latter answer.

Camilla was here this morning?

Some relief lifts my hope that my family is okay. Camilla is safe and awake. Daisy is here and sounds well. She must be, since she's not hospitalized with an own room, right? 

"I'll go get her," Easton's voice sounds before he audibly leaves the room. The door snaps shut. "Camilla is coming?" Aiden asks. 

Asher might be nodding. I wish I don't have to miss out on these conversations. "She is. Do you want to play with her?"

"Yay!" I hear him jump off his chair and walk around the room. "Does she still have her unicorn with her?"

The unicorn. The one in my backpocket. I want to tell Ash to go through my pockets and give Aiden the unicorn. But I can't, so I should just lie here and wait until they think of that possibility.

I sometimes really hate myself.

The door opens again. Giggles sound after which I hear my wife and brothers gush over Cam's new dress. I want to see it too.

I try to make a a sound, roll on my unharmed side and open my eyes. Instead, I only make an hmpf sound. Did they hear it?

Silence dawns over the room. Then, "Dada pain?"

They heard it. I groan and this time, even I hear it sound through the room. Someone stands up and walks to my bed. Unless one of my brothers started wearing heels in the time I was out, it's Daisy.

"Nicky?" She grabs my hand. "Can you hear me?" Instead of making another sound, I squeeze her hand. I'm surprised myself when I'm successful. Her gasp is the evidence of that.

"He heard me! He's waking up!" 

The left side of my body feels numb. That's okay, all I want is turning on my right side anyway. I want to see my kids and brothers and wife. And maybe drink a good coke too. My throat is dry as fuck. 

"Help . . . " I mumble, "turn?" I try to do it myself, but my arms are too weak and too jelly. Can't I just rip them off and replace them for new ones?

"You want to turn?" Daisy asks. I'm grateful that she understands me. "On your side? Wait, I'll help you."

I nod and feel her hands on my body. They send little shock waves through my blood, giving me enough energy to open my eyes. The mere sight of Daisy's gorgeous face is enough to smile. "Hi."

She grins back just when she turns me on my side. "Hello there. Glad to see you back alive." I can't stop smiling at her joke. 

I then see Easton and Asher sitting on the chairs at the wall, each with a kid on their lap. They wave. I wave back. The third kid, my Camilla, is standing right besides my bed. She is looking up at me with wide eyes. "You're awake!"

I lift my arm, inviting her in the bed. "That I am." It takes a few attempts, with my lack of energy, to help her in the bed, but we manage. She surprisingly careful with how she lies down next to me but when she does, she curls up and climbs as close as she can.

My eyes eat up the sight of her. She's still as little as she was in that cold, dark room, but somehow, she's different. Her face is more relaxed and her smile is more joyous, if that makes sense.

I wrap an arm around her and enjoy the feeling of protecting her again. Daisy notices and smiles, pulling the blanket over both of us. "She's missed you these past few days. Hasn't slept as well."

Well, she's on her way to sleep very deeply very quickly now. Her tired eyes blink up at me while I brush through her dark hair. "It's okay, princess. Dada's got you."

She nods and snuggles closer before her breathing slows down and she's asleep. I watch her for a few seconds before looking up. Seb is showing Asher how to play a game on his phone while Aiden is climbing all over Easton.

Daisy is still next to my bed. I extend my hand to hers and with a smile, she laces her fingers through it. 

My smile speaks for itself. I'm so so so glad my family is finally complete again, and with that, safe.

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