46. Girls weekend

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Grace opened the grand front door of her and Joseph's mansion, letting out an ear piercing scream causing all the birds in the immediate vicinity to fly away in fear.

Joseph immediately dropped the money he was counting and ran out of their room to see what was wrong, only to find out she was screaming out of excitement— her friends were in town.

" Bitch you ain't never out here living like thissss," Jacob said looking around at the compound Grace and Joseph called home, stepping out of the Mercedes sprinter van that picked him, Brittany, and Destiny up from the air hanger. " Okay Rolls Royce, tell Joseph I want to drive that," He cackled sassily.

Grace ran out of the house in her fuzzy pink slippers, greeting her bestfriends with long overdue hugs. She hadn't seen any of her friends in months since she moved, and while she enjoyed her new found peace, she also missed girls nights and getting dressed up to go get drinks with her friends like they always used to do. Grace sent their private jet to fly her friends in for the weekend to help wedding plan and spend time with each other. It felt comforting and familiar to have them in Miami with her, and she was excited to show them her new life.

" Have you been gaining weight? What is thissss???" Destiny teased grabbing Grace's rounded rear as she hugged Brittany.

" That bitch been fuckin, that's why," Jacob said. " Nasty bitch,"

" And have," Grace smiled sassily, placing her hand on her hip.

" Unt-uhhhh! Not my innocent little Grace!" Jacob laughed, his jaw dropping slightly as he tilted his head to the side astonished by her comment. " That man done turned you out cause you would never,"

" How do you think I got— this!" Grace held her left hand up, finally revealing her new ring to her friends making them and jump up and down in excitement.

" Shut the fuck up!" Destiny exclaimed excitedly, practically yanking Grace's hand off her arm to get a closer look at the ring.

Grace had been holding out on telling her friends because she wanted it to be a surprise.

" Oh that man sorry for real, this one way bigger than the other one," Jacob said, taking his turn looking at the ring.

" Jacob shut up," Brittany laughed.

" You gone invite us in or what? It's hot out here, I got this big ass jacket on— I didn't know it felt like this out here," Jacob said dramatically, fanning his black bubble Moncler coat in an effort to cool himself off.

Grace showed her friends around the mansion, showing them their rooms for the weekend.

" Do that boat have your name on it?" Brittany asked as they walked around the grassy backyard by the pool.

" Yes," Grace laughed shyly. " Joseph got it for me for Christmas,"

" What did you say he does again? Because maybe I'm looking at the wrong type of men,"

" He's a business man," Grace replied without hesitation.

Jacob pursed his lips together giving Grace a look. She could fool Destiny and Britt but not him. He knew something was up with Joseph when he and Grace first started dating, before she even knew it herself. Jacob adores the love Joseph has for Grace. Jacob had been doing Grace's hair since they were in highschool, she'd always been a little princess and Jacob admired the way Joseph treated her like one. Though Jacob is gay, he's still very over protective of all the women in his life. It made Jacob genuinely happy to see their relationship blossom to what it is now from the first time he met Joseph when he popped up on them at the club acting crazy many years ago.

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