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Borgh, wake up now! Immediately!'

'Ohmm..., what now? Leave me alone!'

Just before that, Lilythe Mauz fluttered over the well-known wallowing path in the direction of the bubbling source where she regularly searched for crumb berries, when she noticed a change in the wind. She descended, scanned the area, and in deed, a few beats later, the sign appeared in the form of a bright white meteor flash while her mind was filled with sparkling music. For a moment she looked at the mountain on the other side of the forest and realized that a lot of time had passed since the previous eruption. She walked happily, whispering a tune, knowing that the time had come to visit her beloved mountain again.

If she lived alone for a while she could feel perfectly happy with the things and the surrounding creatures. In such periods the realization faded away that they were all illusions which the mountain dreamed for her. The rock massif that she lovingly called "Borgh" took good care of her and she of him.

Depending on which dimension one observed the place one could say that it was a point in space or a patch of consciousness that repeatedly restructured itself. However the case was turned, it remained mainly an elusive situation between timeless places, without a name. Ossyann Borgh himself claimed that it represented a knot in a network connected by the imperceptible lines of fate, coincidence, cause and effect, whereby the threads filled him with all the knowledge from Di'aull and even beyond. Borgh never said it in so many words, but Mauz concluded long ago that the mountain and the place where they found themselves were no more than a reflection of his mind, and she sometimes wondered whether she was one of his fantasies too.

At a low level of consciousness Borgh received masses of new data via the intangible strings with which he knew himself to be connected to other knots just like him. Subsequently, he arranged and rearranged the data in order to have the knowledge ready in case a hall of awareness opened up somewhere, because then he had to fill it with his wisdom. The person or thing which made him, foresaw from the very beginning that Borgh threatened to turn into a real rock mountain if his mind did not stay smooth. For this reason, Borgh was given a counterpart to keep him company and to challenge and motivate him alternately. They loved each other even though they sometimes quarreled violently after which Mauz retreated into the wilderness and only returned when the lack of her grumpy but pleasant partner overcame the reason for her departure. He let her go, knowing that nothing could harm her in his domain. First he enjoyed the restored calm for a while and then waited resignedly until she appeared sooner or later with all her unanswered riddles. In this, they complemented each other perfectly because Mauz sometimes seemed like a child who could come up with more questions which even a thousand wise men could not answer. Borgh, on the other hand, could not bother because he knew all the answers. She enjoyed to hear him recite with his warm bass voice while he kneaded the dry facts out of his huge memory bank into juicy stories, especially to entertain and please her. He always claimed that they were all real facts, which was no lie because someone ever experienced what he said. For him, it remained the same whether the facts took place in the past or in the future because his empire was out of time and he received information from both sides.

Mauz entered the warm cave at the bottom of the mountain. The humid atmosphere smelled familiar and pleasant of mint with a hint of citronella. Cheerfully she spoke to the half-dark:

'Borgh, you have to work because a "Mother" has awakened.' When everything remained quiet for a while, she stomped impatiently on the floor and called to the walls:

'Soon you will be asked to provide the knowledge so that one can arouse her descendants. Did you not notice the sign that there is an oracle stone almost bursting? Have you not heard the chant they were sending?

'Ohmm...! Let me meditate Mauz.... I have to organize and re-arrange still so much data. I do not have time right now.'

'Sloth! Come to consciousness! If it was not for me they would have liquidated you already a long time ago. I warn you! One day I will stay away and in the end you shall be nothing more than a stupid oversized boulder.' while she lectured Borgh, she felt a fading growl in the walls that moved away from her, deeper into the mountain. She understood that she had to take a different approach and whispered sweetly:

'Shall we, before you enjoy your well-deserved rest, now quickly make love, mighty Borgh?' Instantly the smell of musk filled the room as the warm cave seemed to close around her like a soft blanket, while Borgh's voice sounded close and to-tally awake:

'Ohmm...! Shall I transform us into two Ergonian partridges?

'Yes, darling, choose or invent a suitable and stimulating form to surprise me.' In order to astonish her, Borgh mixed above that the threefold climax of the red quaverqarant cat through the two love bodies he prepared, and immersed the cave for a long time in a gentle light with custom melodies.

Later Mauz, tired and satisfied, made tea for Borgh wrapped in his wise, bearded appearance just like she preferred his companionship. Borgh explained that the wisdom was ready to be transmitted and that they had to wait for the third sign on which Mauz asked:

'Tell me a story, dear "Hum top", in anticipation of the signal.'

'Ohmm...! Another story, wall flower? How much do you want to hear? Are not you tired of my fables yet?'

'I want to hear and understand all your stories.'

'That is unfortunately impossible, even if you listened to all my memory brewing for a thousand-and-one-life.'

'That may be, "Rocky", however on top of your story, if it is a good one at least, I enjoy the sound of your words.'

'Ohmm ...? My voice do you mean?'

'Yes, your sweet-voiced speech, because in it I hear your love resonate, even if you do your best to behave like his royal bluntness and rudeness itself.'

'I see, understood if so, I will tell you a story about the white dragon gang and the decisive battle against the last Helyx near the place where Marantium originated, at the end of the...'

'No Metha hero behavior please.'

'Why not?'

'They are numb and they are all men.'

'That is not entirely true. Their metabolism does work slowly and they seem to reason everything in such a way that they are almost indistinguishable from machines which, with some imagination, you can call a masculine characteristic. By the way, as you know, they can develop both female and male characteristics which they usually suppress to keep their ratio pure.'

'You definitely mean icicles.'

'Ohmm ...! Well, now that I'm talking about Marantium... Perhaps I have a story for you in which a high Metha has to appeal to lower beings to save his universe from a certain death, and also to preserve Di'aull from a very dangerous contamination. An exceptional and very risky situation in which one normally cannot leave the honor of action to simple creatures.'

'Beings of flesh and blood?'

'Yes, with emotions and all, with this warning that the story starts with mere Methas.'

'I'm curious.' She lay down in front of the fireplace and half closed her eyes in a wait-and-see position. Borgh sipped his tea, cleared his throat and went ashore:

'At a time similar to the current and in comparable circumstances, a "knowledge mountain" related to me, scanned the sky. With his sharp vigilance he sensed the flash which indicated that a Metha in a certain universe spontaneously got her feminine characteristics to give birth. Soon after, his knowledge center became filled with heavenly music. The genesis of a universe was imminent...'

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