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In the room under the theater, Agny extensively thanked Kayros for the guards and ventured an additional request:

'May I ask you for another little favor, sir?'

'Concerning your future in Urantium, I presume?'

'Oh no sir, I do not want to commit such gross shamelessness. Such decisions, I leave entirely to your immense wisdom. I wanted to ask if we are allowed to use some additional space to refresh ourselves because our bodies are soaking wet with perspiration and stink by dragging these loads.' Kayros showed understanding for Agny's lamentation, so a few moments later they had several extra rooms at their disposal. Intiëll and Brymir created a small exposition with the nine carcasses, after which they refreshed themselves. A little later the guard announced Taruko, Ardor, and Kayros. The highnesses, for which Agny, Brymir, and Intiëll bowed deeply to express their respect, came to inspect the Helycons.

Kayros introduced the threesome, at which Taruko especially congratulated the cartographer for his hunting abilities. Intiëll attracted the most attention by far because of his strange appearance, so that the average guest did not notice that the lizard-like, with his eight-clawed hands, was actually the intergalactic territory guardian of Marantium. Lord Ardor warmly welcomed Brymir, while his two other employees were provided with significantly less sympathy. After all, Brymir functioned practically as his extension, while Agny and Intiëll were acting in the distance relative to him, executing their tasks in the field.

Kayros spoke to all and with a wide gesture towards the displayed beasts he pointed out the danger that they barely avoided:

'We have been lax! For too long we have lived in a comfortable cocoon of false security. It was close! Almost we injected, with great honor and a grand display, a contaminated germ into Di'aull!

He noted that they needed to develop a detection system to avoid such things in the future. Taruko openly posed questions about how the pests spread and how they could hide so easily.

In agreement with Kayros' argument, Ardor responded:

'I can comb out the interior of the universe, which will be of no benefit if the mantle keeps on leaking.' Taruko felt this as a barely concealed accusation, and in his turn posited:

'Help is welcome, Lord Kayros. The inside of Marantium is Ardor's terrain, and the outer or the mantle, as one says, is mine. Besides that, what shall we do with the free space? Do you already have any idea in which way you will clean the infinity?'

In fairness, Kayros brought forward Agny's thesis that the fleet could be the unintentional cause of their present worries. Intiëll suggested, without much success, that certain sulfur-containing gas clouds, in the free space, also offered more than enough hiding possibilities.

When Ardor explained how a universe could be built out of a new concept, with built-in security, the wizard decided that already enough possibilities were on the table and said:

'For such matters, the decision-making lies at a higher level. The solution will have to be imposed because otherwise, every person concerned will only see the mistakes of the others to ultimately ignore his own share. Let us keep this quiet for the time being in order not to burden the partygoers with our concerns. Mito and Varuna have not yet arrived and after all, it is up to the mentor of Di'aull to decide on these matters. After the festivities, Agny will discreetly remove the remains of this scum. Now, we are expected among the guests. So let us go, and if possible enjoy the party now that it is still possible, because who knows what turbulent times await us.' The lords Taruko and Ardor left the guarded room one by one while the others bowed. Brymir disappeared to the garden followed by Intiëll, after he promised Agny to return after two consumptions. Before Kayros left the room to mingle in the crowd, Agny said:

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