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A green flash and a formation of light sparkles signaled the arrival of the unexpected visitor in Taruko Kahn's palace greenhouse not far from the Helyx skeleton.

Kayros manifested bodiless in the garden where recently a new universe was born. By gaining access in this way, he avoided the annoying Chamberlain and did not have to worry about sticky serpent screens. The disadvantage was that for the time being he could not touch anything and had to be content with what he could observe. Back and forth he searched floating through the idyllic environment, while his crackling appearance scattered clouds of butterflies in colorful waves. The sight was of a swirling beauty that unfortunately did not appeal to him.

In his memory, he played back the events that had begun in the same place, as the rhythmic roar of thousands of drums pulsed through the walls. Something had escaped his attention in that period, and before he could concentrate on other things he had to solve the questions that were boiling beneath the surface of his consciousness.

He formulated a vhapika spell that made him imperceptible to the sand dragons who had withdrawn a little further into their stay for the short night period so that he could inspect his surroundings quietly.

During the inauguration ceremony of supreme builder Agny, he felt that something was not quite right, but he was not able to put his claw nail on it. The bustle of the festivities had engulfed him and the displeasure had faded into the background for a while until it rose and was raiding him with increased force. His trained perception had registered a deviant use of magic.

That in itself was not abnormal because the entire empowerment speech actually constituted one long concatenation of spells. The proceedings released Brymir and at the same time clothed Agny with the power needed to manage and represent the Interior in Di'aull's name. Yet his instinct had picked up something extra, and whatever it was, it did not let go. He feared, moreover, that the fleeting manner in which the incident had occurred might not have left any traces. After all, one could sing spells as much as one wanted and still leave reality intact. But if something or someone had been influenced by it, he could discover the changed pattern, if only in the unconscious memory of a casual spectator who had not been the subject of the spell. He was looking for it and something would eventually betray what eluded him.

The appointment of Agny, who enjoyed the confidence of all parties, averted the danger of Urantium's liquidation. One could finally think of the future and thanks to the plan of the new master builder there was still enough time to make it a success.

Once again Kayros made a gliding flight above the spot where he had found the sulpheron traces and afterward the ominous hole in the ground. There was nothing new to see so his thoughts drifted back to the complications that had systematically unfolded from that point.

At that time he carried out a dangerous maneuver to go through the crust to the realm of the then master builder, Ardor, on the hunt for the intruder. There he was attacked by a swarm of electric moths and met a suspicious Agny engaged in a dubious experiment. The cartographer had never admitted it in so many words, but most likely he was busy completing his panacea. A tonic that Kayros now, at regular intervals, received somewhere on the outer crust of Urantium. Agny had really made it happen. The deliveries were on time and the goods were of excellent quality.

Agny had once casually described the miracle stuff as a product of a god dance. What did he actually mean by that and about which gods did he speak then? Since he developed the product on Marantium, Kayros could perhaps also casually find an answer to that question. Unfortunately, this was the second oldest universe of the Amarantia cluster, as a result of which gods had developed in abundance. Thanks to which idol had the former cartographer found the recipe? That only Agny knew the synthesis and therefore controlled the entire production process was also not to the liking of Kayros. With a sea of ​​time, he could unveil the secret production process, but he lacked that luxury because all sorts of urgencies and priorities continued to battle for his attention. He would probably never be able to create enough time to also look after that. Agny would be allowed to retain that trump for an indefinite period of time.

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