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Y/N pov

The age of 12, it's the prime time to be alive me and my brother and I were hanging out with our friends kazuki, shoya, and keisuke we did almost everything together wither it's jumping in a lake or watching a movie we were inseparable we even had our own hand shake.

Currently me and shoya were hanging out at his place he was playing on his concle while i was reading a magazine his mom gave me

"Shoya" i said dragging out the a "when can I play" i said getting bored of reading "after this game i promise" i stand up and grab my bag "you been saying the for the past 14 minutes sho" i said rolling my eyes.

I started walking downstairs where the solon was also located under the house. I heard feet making their way downstairs as I put my shoes on "bye miss.Ishida" on my way out I saw a girl with pink hair at one of the stalls she had sticks and stuff in her hair.

I speared her a glance but keep walking as i was walking down the street i heard shoya behind me panting a bit "This isn't the way to your house where ya going" he says pestering me "If you must know im going to Tarui" i said as the stop light turned red and i start to walk "you're going to walk all the way there?" he says "No im taking the train bimbo" i said you always ask such stupid questions ishida!

"I'll come with" he says walking besides me with his hands on his head "fine" i said continue to walk ahead of him "so where are you going" he says i turned around to face him "it's a secret"

In about 14 minutes we arrived and boarded the train station "Train from Ogaki to Tarui is now leaving the last call board immediately" after that announcement the train doors shut i took the window seat and we were on our way.

It took 15 minutes to get there but it was worth it me and shoya visited Myojin Lake

And Fuwa waterfall we took some pictures, they both were so beautiful "are we done yet" he asked, getting a little tired "there's one more place i want to go" i said grabbing his hand and started running.

And here we are aikawa park everything looks so beautiful it's my calm place as well as fuwa waterfall i turned around and i give sho the camera then i turn to face him "which one lookes better" i said stepping back "like this" i said posing "or like this" i said doing a different one he takes a second to respond "neither you look ugly in both" he says while laughing

I started chasing him around the park

I finally got up to him and tackled him to the ground "Im sorry im sorry i was just joking" he says still laughing "well it's not funny" i said sitting up and dusting the dirt and grass of me and started walking away "hey y/n wait for me" he says we soon arrived at the train station it was around 5pm after we left shoya insisted on walking me back to which i don't respond "are you still mad at me" he says trailing behind me when we arrived at my house i was about to open my door when he says "1" i turned to him "number 1 looks better" he says looking down at the concert.

I smiled "thank you shoya" I gave him a hug goodnight and quickly went inside leaving him "ohh y/n has a crush" Shinjiro my twin says in a teasing manner sitting at the bar stools "Shut it Shinjiro!" I said throwing a pillow at him and missing "y/n and shoya sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love second comes marriage third is the baby in the baby carriage" he "sings" while making kissy faces.

I start to chase him around the house and up the stairs "come back here you little runt"i yelled chasing him when we bumped into mom we are screwed "whats going on here" momma said with a menacing glare "Shinjiro is making fun of me again!" i said "was not" he responded "now Shinjiro what did i tell you about making fun of your sister".

"To not do it" he says in a bored tone "now apologized to her" momma said with a stern tone "fine im sorry y/n for making fun of you....AND YOUR BOYFRIEND" he said running off to his room and locking the door.

I huffed and walked to my room. It had F/C walls and a board of me and my friends and family. I also had plushies, my favorite one being this oversized (insert plushie) my friends got me for my 11th birthday last year.

After reading a bit of "2AM thoughts" i go to bed 

➵𝗠𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗶➵ (shoya ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now