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Me and the group were at our usual place in the hall where usually we meet up, i was talking to miki shes been my best friend since pre-k and we tell eachother everything including the events of yesterday"you really went on a date him" she said in a shocked whisper voice "yah but it was only in a friend way....i think" i say with a sweat drop

She squeal so loud that everyone in the hall turn to us including our friends "is something wrong" kazuki says "y/n went-" before she could say anything else i cover her mouth and give her a look this girl really needs to lean how to keep her mouth shut "its nothing kazuki thanks for your concern" i said and shot him a smile while a pink hue started to rise on his cheeks "i-its noting y/n" he says and walks away.

We stood there for a while waiting for shoya "i pray for the day he would actually be on time" naoka says everyone agrees "there he is" keisuke point out as shoya does his little walk down the hall

As we walk in the class i notice something "Hey shoya" say looking down at him "your tag is out stupid" i said as the whole group laughs "its not funny...its a style" he protest "there goes our firework always seeing the little detail in everything" keisuke said in between laughs "i swear somedays i think shes a mom or something" Shinjiro adds.

When the bell goes off everybody sits in their seat. I sat 1 seat down and to the left of shoya i was kinda sad at first but i got used to it.

That's when the teacher walks in "listen up class we have a new student today" after he announced that a girl with pink hair walked in. i recognize her she's the same girl from miss ishida's salon! "Ok class this is nishimiya shouko introduce yourself" yet she stood there and did nothing well. That's strange, is there something wrong with her? I questioned but then the teacher tapped her shoulder and she started to move.

She opens her bag and grabs a book out the first page says 'It's nice to meet you my name is shouko nishimiya' she then flips the page 'i would like to get to know everyone through this book' more whispers could be heard as the flips the page again 'when you want to talk to me please us this book' and once again she flips it 'i can't hear' after that i start to space out

When miki taps on my shoulder "you ok?" sh ask with a concerning glare "oh i'm fine just spaced out" we share a laugh

after class naoka asked if she knows how to speak japanese, finishing up my class notes and walk over to the group of girls, miki than places a hand on my head "and this one right here's name is y/n but we call her Hanabi or firework because she was named after the last firework called 'The bright y/n'" she write down, after shouko reads it she looks up at me and make firework hand jesters we all laugh at it.

miki asked if she had a nickname 'it's sho' she writes down "that's so cool my friend over theres name is shoya but we call him sho" i write and we all look at him and the boys who were roughhousing "hey we have another sho now" naoka says teasingly while kazuki aggres that two sho's are cool.

When the bell rings and class starts I notice shouko struggling. I was about to offer my help when naoka bet me to it.

After class had ended I walked up to shoya and he was on his console "hey shoya was wondering-" i was about to finish my sentence when shoya spoke up "not right now y/n- damn it you made me lose!" He said quite loudly almost half the class heard it "oh i'm sorry shoya" i said sadly glancing at the ground and running out the room out of embarrassment.

I sit in the hallway bench with my head in my palms and my knees to my chest i was about to cry yelling was something I was sensitive to even when it's not intentional when all of a sudden somebody tapped my shoulder i look up to see shouko with her notebook 'are you ok', i wiped my forming tears and in sign language i respond 'i'm fine just a little hurt' i see her eyes light up 'you know sign language too' i giggle at her excitement 'yah just a bit but i haven't fully mastered it'

Me and shouko started to conversate when the bell rung signaling to go to our related arts class i was about to get up when shouko grabs my arm i turn to face her

She signals

'Will you be my friend'

➵𝗠𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗶➵ (shoya ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now