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Finally we're back! After 5 long years we are back. I was in the passenger's seat with my dad driving and mom, Shinjiro, and my little sister Bellemere in the back. Mom had her a couple months after we moved.

As we were driving i was hit with nostalgia we drove by a bridge and saw a what looks to be a high school couple feeding the fish bread we drive up to our old restaurant to see the movers done dad steps out the car "let me go get the key back ok, sit tight" he closes the door and walks in the restaurant.

But the noise from the door closing woke everyone up, "y/n" bellemere said rubbing her eyes and reaching her arms up i pull her into the front seat and place her on my lap "hey how was your nap" she let out a 'ugh' and rested her head on my chest.

Shinjiro who was hungary ask momma "can i go out to buy snacks" momma thought about it for a second "fine but bring your sisters and hurry up or we'll leave you" she turned to her side and rested her head on the window and closing her eyes, i open the door and grab bellemere's hand and we start walking around wow not a lot has changed since we left "look look a kitty" bellemere said patting my side "do you wanna pet it?" i ask she nods her head vigorously

I let go of her hand and slowly start to inch towards the cat it doesn't look like a stray i go close enough to start petting it, it soon started to lean into my touch that's when i called bellemere over "be gentle" i said while shes petting the cat i stand up to take a picture wahh so cute i heard a door ringing sound from behind us "while you two were play i got the bag" shinjiro said now that a look at him he looks like a delinquent, he has streaks of his hair dyed, a nose and lip piercing, his physique is the same of one too.

He picks up bellemere and hands me the food i got (favorite snack) while bellemere got cut up fruits and shinjiro got chips we make our way to the car and see through the window that dad is already there i open the door and step in the car "you get the keys?" i say still chewing "yah we should open in 2-4 days" we drove off to our new house it was bigger than our old houses but a key difference is we have a garden

The movers already set up our room and stuff and ponpon should be here already we step out the car and get our extra bags from the trunk bellemere tried key word 'tried' to carry hers but it was too heavy so mom came to help her

Dad unlocks the door and sees ponpon waiting at the door for us "ponpon!" bellemere said running up to him and giving him rubs "hey pon" i rub his ears and start taking my bags to my room it was the third biggest but it was big to me i put my clothes in the closet and finish setting up my decorations, it took me about an hour to finish it when i was done i went back to the car to get my oversized (insert plushie) the same one from all those years ago i keep it but i wash it every other month i put it (where every you want) and lay down it was already 7:40 i start school in two day so i still have some time to get settled

A least minute decision lead me to boarding the train station to Tarui i sit in at far back with my headphones in "Train from Ogaki to Tarui is now leaving the last call board immediately" those words were like music to my ears the train started moving i don't know what it is but something about riding the train at night is calming after i get there i head straight for Fuwa waterfall

I don't do anything i just sit and enjoy the sounds of the water i take off my bag and grab (favorite snack) a journal and some pens i don't think about anything in particular i wrote down what ever was on my mind i look at my phone to see its 10 time really flies by i pack all my stuff and i make my way home when i enter i was greeted by silence i go to my room and change my clothes and head to bed.



The next day I headed downstairs and was greeted by momma cooking, shinjiro and bellemere at the table "look who's awake" mom said passing me a plate of food i sat in front of my sibling "good morning!" Bellemere said raising her spoon which led to her spilling apple sauce over herself shinjiro started to clean up "you got any plans for today?" i ask picking at my food "yah i'm gonna get my hair redyed then i have to help dad with the restaurant and go with mom to the store to get some groceries" he stand up and puts his dishes in the sink "that means your watching bellemere" he put his jacket on and headed out me and bellemere stare at each other for a while "park" she said

I took her upstairs to get dressed and did her hair "where you going" mom asked "were just looking around" i put on our shoes head out and lock the door there weren't that many people out cause everyones at work or school i take her to a park where some kindergartener resided we step in and Bellemere drags me to the sand box after a while a kid came up to use

"Hi im maria whats your name!" she said waving "im Bellemere and this is my sister y/n" she said "do you wanna play tag with us Bellemere" maria said Bellemere looked at me for permission "go ahead i'll be over there" i point to a bench, her and maria then join a group with other kids

It's nice to know that she made some friends i sit on the bench watching them after 30 minutes i decided it's time to leave i grab Bellemere and we start walking we pass by a claw machine store and she saw a plushie of shin-chan a character from a show that she likes we play a few times before we leave with more than we came in for we explored for a bit and when to a cafe to eat.

We walk in the house and its around 5 i put her new plushies and figures in her room and mine in my room i go into Bellemere room and we start picking out her outfits for the week after that we went downstairs got some ice cream (or anything you like) and watched (show) we stopped around 8ish because Bellemere fell asleep i carried her in to her room and tucked her in i go to the kitchen and take out chicken so i can marinate it for tomorrow's school lunch after that i head upstairs to go to bed

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