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'Will you be my friend'

Shouko signals i nod my head no, just as i did that i can see a sad look on her face and tears start to form in her eye as she looks down i pull her head up

'Lets be best friends instead'

She nods her head vigorously "i'll take that as a yes" i grab shouko's hand and made a B-line for the chorus room "bye shouko i'll see you later" i signed waving goodbye she waves back as i make my way to the art room i sit with my two other friends "so class today we will be making notebook covers and get as creative as you want" she said while handing out the supplies

"So what are you guys gonna draw" one of my friends said "imma draw a ferret!" my other friend says "what about you y/n what are you gonna draw" they ask me "i don't know yet" i took me a while to think about what i wanted to draw when a particular thought came to mind I know i'll draw me and shouko! And with my amazing art skills I drew it and added the words "Shouko's notebook" on it."So what did you draw y/n-hey isn't that the new girl" my friend peered over my shoulder "yep!"

After art i went to pick up shouko from chorus 'so how was it shouko' 'it was alright' we then head to our homeroom and when i walk in i see my friends staring at me "what is it?" I asked , confused "oh nothing" . Shoya says that's when we started doing class reading but naoka was reading slower than usual.

The teacher started to criticize her comparing her to a toddler then it was shouko's turn to speak i tapped on her shoulder 'It's your turn to read now' she then stands up after she reads the teacher called on shoya to go and he starts to mock shouko in which i don't find funny and i turn and glare at him

After class i had cleaning duty i went downstairs to get a bucket and a mop after i finish mopping i go outside to see shouko i walk up to her and tapped her shoulder which startled he a bit 'let me see your notebook' she then gives me her notebook 'now close your eyes' i signed, i tear the cover of the notebook off and bind the one i made in art class an tapped her signaling to open her eyes.

When she opened her eyes she didn't move oh no what if she doesn't like it than i felt wetness on my hand i looked up thinking it was raining but instead it was shouko she was....crying 'do you not like it' she than wiped her tears 'no no i love it thank you y/n' she hugs me and i hug back and looked at the time

'I'm so so sorry shouko but i have to go help my family with the restaurant' i signed and frantically ran to the restaurant "Shinjiro please dont tell mom i was late" i pleaded while he thought "give me 10 and a weeks worth of dishes and i guess i can bend the truth" i irked "why you little-" "MOM Y/N IS-" i pulled out a 10 and shut his mouth "pleasure doing business with you miss.y/n" he said going back to making the bread.

You little runt i thought while putting my apron on and went to a table "Hi welcome to Iwamura dinning how can i help you" i look up to see a mom and a little girl who looks around the age of 9 and.. "Shouko!" she waves after I get their food. I learned that shouko has a little sister named yuzuru, yuzuru really got along with our restaurant maskot/dog ponpon he was of the samoyed breed, i also made sure to sneak in some of our famous purin.

Today was fun 


Apologizes for the beginning being rushed, but the main part will be better ;) 

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