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Today i woke up earlier than usual my throat was really dry so i got up and poured me a glass of water i also over hear my mom and dad talking "so what are we going to do" mother says "I don't know yet but we have to move and close down the restaurant" father says with a sigh i than step out from the shadows "what are you guys talking about" i said worried that i might have to move.

"y/n what are you doing up so early" father says hiding some papers "My throat was feeling dry so i went to get water" my mom got up and ushered me to my room "mom are we really going to move?" i say as she tucked me in "we don't know yet sweetie but don't worry about it too much" she said as she kissed my forehead and left, i soon fell asleep after that.

When i woke up i felt dizzy and light headed momma said i can stay home today she also made me soup but the worst part is dad made this ginger,tumeric, and garlic concoction saying "it would help clean your body of impurities" or something like that

I was making lunch for me and my friends because they said the wanted to have a picnic after school i pack up all the food and start heading out "bye mom and dad i'll be back later" i start walking to a local park in our area it had a beautiful lake near it i start to roll the cloth out and set the food down

They should be here any minute now. I think looking down at my watch when I hear "hey y/n" from kazuki i turn around to see everyone arriving. when everyone sat down there was an awkward silence "is there anything you want to say to y/n shoya?" Shinjiro said side eyeing him "im sorry for yelling at you back in class" he says i nod my head giving him recognition

Everyone soon started eating "y/n you always make the best food!" miki says chewing on the banana bread i made "It's kind of a Iwamura family trait" Shinjiro said acting like he made it "well must have skipped a generation Shinjiro you can even make eggs" i said laughing at my own joke "...y/n were twins stupid" i ignore him refusing to be wrong the wind started to blow hard making the leafs flow with it

"Y/n bend down a bit" Kazuki says motioning for me to come over

I look down when he pulls something out my hair "here" he says handing me a leaf that fell in my hair "thanks kazuki" i said giving him a small side hug while picking up bread and walking over to shoya "yo wanna feed the ducks with me?" i say handing him a half the baguette i made this morning "sure"

He then starts to throw the breed at the duck he hopeless i smacked him in the back of his head "what are you doing that's not to you fed them" i grab his hand walking over to the ducks forcing him to sit "here hold your hand out" after he does that a momma duck comes and takes the piece

After a while the baby ducks start to come towards us, one of them even hops on shoya's shoulder to which I quickly take a picture.

After we finished the picnic we are started walking home but me,miki,shoya, and Shinjiro were all walking in the same direction when miki spotted a cat and us being the curious kids we decided to follow it it leads us to a beautiful flat land with fireflies "Look y/n look" miki say there was one in her hand "Ew get it away" i said to me firefly look like flying glowing roaches i never really liked them

"Aw baby y/n is scared of fireflies whatever shall she do" Shinjiro said in a baby voice "you little runt get over here" i yelled white chasing him.

The next day i woke up late and had to rush downstairs finish my chores before i went to school either way i still arrived late "y/n your late detention and your on clean up duty" i sigh "yes sir" when i sit down shoya thought it would be funny to yell in shouko's ear but to my surprise she reacted.

When class was over I walked over to shouko and asked "can you hear me?" she nodded her head 'yes and you have a really pretty voice y/n' but naoka came over and moved shoukos hair, and asked to see them shoya ask for them so she threw them over "hey shoya give them back" i said walking over to him but before i knew it he then threw them in the water.

Me and shouko rush out to find her aid's "hey shouko i found them" i said forgetting she cant hear me i pick them up and walk over to her she looks at them and puts them in her ear "can you hear me?" she takes them out her ear I'll take that as a no than

The harassment didn't end there it went on for day sometime when i asked shouko to hang out she would come wet, with dirt in her hair, or even worst without her hearing aids there was one particular day when shoya thought it would be funny to pull out her aids like her always does but this time...it was different "shouko!" i said and started shaking her but blood was coming out her ear

I turn to face shoya

"Shoya....what did you do"

➵𝗠𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗶➵ (shoya ishida x reader)Where stories live. Discover now