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Your pov

I woke up a bit earlier than usual i sit up and look in my mirror 'why am i like this' i rub my eyes and walk into the bathroom i take a quick shower wash my face than brush my teeth i go in my room change into my school uniform and i walk down stairs my mom looks at me "did you wake your sister and brother up?" she said plating the food

I turn around and walk to my brothers room hes still sleeping so i throw a light comic book at him "wake up you disgrace of a human" as im walking away he throws the comic back at me "and your a waste of cells" i walk to Bellemere she walk already dressed and waiting from me to help her "good morning Bellemere" i said picking her up "morning y/n look what i drew!" it was a picture of a cat awww i help her brush her teeth and i send her downstairs while i clean up her mess i that her draw to the box of her previous drawings i collected

"y/n come eat!" my mom yells from the stairs "coming!"i yell back walking to the stairs dad is at the restaurant getting ready for the grand opening "are you two excited to see your old friends?" mom said to me and shinjiro while helping Bellemere eat but none of use respond

After we ate me and shinjiro walked to Bellemere's school "well see you in a bit" shinjiro said "ok bye!" me and my brother start walking back to our school we enter the school going to the principal's office he gave us our locker codes and schedule me and shinjiro had completely different homerooms

"Meet me for lunch" he said "yah bye stay outta trouble at least for the first week" i walk to my class and knock on the door i introduce myself to the class and sit down not recognizing anybody

Time skip

I got up grabbing my lunch box and trying to find my brothers class "hey are you lost?" i turn around and look down to see a guy with green hair "oh uh yah can you help me find 3-D" "sure im heading there right now" we walk until he make a stop at the door to open it

When he open it i see miki, my brother and shoya? He looks so...different i decided to not say anything to them and walk to my brother who was surrounded by a couple of boys and girls while the green haired guy goes to shoya "hey y/n" he pulls up a chair for me to sit "is she your gi-"

Before he could even finish the sentence i cut him off "no im his sister" i said while the girl starts apologizing, i open my lunch when my brother tapped on my shoulder. I looked and I saw miki "oh...hey miki" "y/n!" she pulls me into a hug almost knocking over my lunch "you look so different and shinjiro you look so cool!" she said very very loudly making almost the whole class looks at us she begins ranting on how she misses us and what changes "umm miki your being a bit to loud" i say not wanting the unnecessary attention

"Sorry bout that" we finish lunch then i return to my classes finishing them all before walking with shinjiro to go pick up Bellemere before we head out we see Shoya and the green haired guy hiding behind bushes.

Shoyas POV

I was kinda surprised to see tomohiro and y/n walk through the door shinjiro is in my class now he seems pretty popular....

Tomohiro came up to me "look what I scored now me to thank me" he said slipping a bag of bread to me looking proud "hey are you even paying attention!" He said "oh uh yah sorry about that" he peeked over my shoulder to see what I was looking at "ohh I see you got your eyes on the new girl" he stated sending me a smirk, I became flustered and looked to the side

"Well actually me, her and shinjiro used to be friends" "well what are you waiting for go talk to them!" I look down "I don't know maybe later"


Me and tomohiro are outside hiding behind bushes "come on shoya it's now or never" then he pushes me out before I can even respond "well well if it isn't mr.shoya ishida"  shinjiro said walking up to me I quickly stand up "oh hey shinjiro" tomohiro and y/n walk out "so shoya is there anything you want to say" tomohiro says nudging the side of my stomach.

"Well uh me and some of our old friends are going out to the you wanna come?"

Y/n pov

I look at shinjiro than spoke "sure that would be fun right shinjiro what time" "uh 4" I wave him off and me and shinjiro walk back "wow shoya is different" we just picked up Bellemere from school and walking back home "yah I guess"

Authors note

Hey short chapter but imma update every week now🥰

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