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A regular reminder.
A set of poems? For Reesahn.

as a regular reminder, I think you should know.
I need less accidental lies,
And more factual facts.
If you say you will,
Then do!
However, the rest is up to you.
I am not going to,
Keep on being upset—
I'd rather let my anger out
On papered poems, and empty facts.
Other things that are simple trash,
The Supreme Court, my trauma.
Roe V Wade—
You know the things that matter.
That don't make me have to go on a trip
To save our amazing relationship.

Jumbled up and over
(A reg reminder p2)

I've been communicating
And I've been communicative
I wish I could understand
How to explain my feelings
And how to explain my emotions
It's kind of like I feel guilty for everything,
Jumbled up and Over.
Kind of like the wind forming a huge tornado
Of jumbled up and over feelings
Like a bottle almost.
Jumbled up an over.


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