I Wish...

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"Emily, this is-"

"Y/n" she blurted before Hotch could finish.

"you two know each other?" he asked.

"Used to" she was quick to say. "its been a while"

My heart felt heavy like it did that day four years ago in our apartment.

"while, we can make niceties later, JJ, go ahead"

"shouldn't we wait for Tara?" JJ asked.

"she's meeting us in Philadelphia" Hotch added without looking up from the crime scene photos.

"Alright then, lets get started" ......

TIME JUMP to a week later at the local PD on another case:

"Y/l/n, I'd like you to go talk to Regina Millers family please, ask about the necklace."

"Yes Sir" I grabbed my coat and was about to leave.

"Actually, you shouldn't go alone, Prentiss, go with her"

"Is it a two person job?" she asked desperately trying to get out of it.

"It is right now, go" he barked.

We walked to the car in silence and Emily got in the drivers seat.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I spoke quietly.

"What are you talking about" her eyes fixed to the road, I could still feel them giving me the death stare.

"I know that you don't want me here but quite honestly I don't think I deserve the treatment I've been getting from you" I looked over at her nervously.

"Y/n, we're not doing this right now"

"what? I'm sorry but you need to tell me how you feel because I can tell you want to rip me a new one"

"this conversation. I'm not having this conversation with you" her words cut deep though I really couldn't blame her. "and don't tell me what I do or don't need"

"Emily come on" I started when she put the car in park and hopped out.

"I'll do most of the talking"

I nodded in agreement as we approached the door.

"Mr and Mrs. Miller, I'm SSA Emily Prentiss and this is Agent Y/l/n, with the FBI's behavioral analysis unit. We're hoping to ask you a question regarding your daughters necklace she was wearing?"

"Of course, please, come in" Mrs. Miller ushered us inside and we got straight to business.

"Your daughter was wearing a silver necklace with what appears to be an old fashioned key is the correct? "

"Yes, it was gift" Mr. Miller wiped a few tears from his eyes. "from her girlfriend, Isla, or ex-girlfriend"

"Ex?" I questioned.

"well, the two girls just graduated from high school and were off to start their lives, but Isla thought it best that they take a break to get themselves on the track they want to be on, but Isla gave Regina that necklace and told she will always have the key to her heart and that they would be together again." Mrs. Miller managed to say in between sobs.

"is it possible that Isla was seeing someone else?" Emily asked right away.

"Oh no, no, she would never cheat on Regina"

"No, I mean, after the breakup, did Isla or Regina find someone else?"

"No. Those two were working hard to make it back to one another. Isla told me and so did Regina"

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