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I woke up in an empty bed. I looked around for Emily but there was no sign of her. I checked my phone and read the first text message,

Had to go in early. See you at work -Emily

What the fuck? Is she joking? Why wouldn't she wake me? Irritated, I quickly got dressed using the outfit I had in my go bag.

I called Emily twice on my way into work but no answer. I was so irritated. Why the sudden change from last night? What happened between then and now?

I pulled into the parking garage and took a deep breath before going inside. I could feel my stomach churning as I rode the elevator up to the BAU. As the doors open my heart began to race at the idea of seeing Emily.

"good morning newbie" Morgan greeted me.

"hey" I flashed a weak smile.

"you alright?" he asks as I scan the room for any sign of Emily.

"uh, yeah" I mutter before going to sit at my desk.

I mindlessly shuffle through paperwork and as I'm checking my email I hear Emilys voice coming from behind me. I try not to look too eager so I casually take my coffee cup and walk over to the coffee machine.

"Morning Emily" I smile as we pass each other and she give a nod.

Did she just nod at me. Confused as to the sudden change in attitude I pour myself a cup of the shitty coffee and return to my desk. I pull out my phone and text Emily,

Everything alright?

I watch her as she reads it.


I stood up and walked over to her desk.

   "Follow me. Now." I ordered.

She reluctantly followed and I brought her into an empty conference room.

   "Alright, what happened?" I threw my hands up in the air.

   "What do you mean"

   "I mean why are you acting like I'm so virus you're trying to avoid?"

   "What?" She scoffed. "You know for someone who originally left me, I'm not sure why you'd care"

   "Emily, what happened to last night? What happened about all we said in the hotel room?" I stressed.

   "It's just sex." She spoke as if we were having a casual conversation.

   "No it's not and you know it!"

   "It was premature of me to think that I could just get past all the pain you put me through. Because when I close my eyes I still see you leaving me."

   "Emily that was years ago now and we've both grown a lot since then! You can't hold this over my head forever!"

   "I don't know what you want from me" she shook her head in disbelief.

   "You know what" I started. "I want nothing from you. Not a single fucking thing"

And with that I slammed the door. I swallowed the lump in my throat and fought the tears in my eyes. I'm not sure what happened but if she was going to act like this then fine. Fuck her.

I returned to my desk but before I could sit down I hear,

"Y/L/N a word?" Hotch called from his office door.

I tossed my phone on the desk and made my way up the stairs.

"you wanted to see me sir?"

"Close the door"

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