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After our night together, there was a different kind of chemistry or maybe tension even, between Aaron and I. To articulate it would be a struggle to say the least. However, we agreed to keep it professional at work. Though, it was... difficult at times.

My phone vibrated on my desk, 

   You look so good when you're focused. 

I read the message from Hotch and glanced up at his office, attempting to hide my smile. However, it faded as I of thought Emily. I don't know why she haunts every corner of my head. But before I could respond, JJ came up to our desks, 

   "we've got a case" she said with exhaustion. 

   "of course we do" I murmured before standing up and heading to the round table. 

I met Hotch on our way there and we exchanged a second of eye contact, if that. Then I felt a hand wrap around my forearm. 

   "a word?" Emily's tone could cut steel. 

She held me back and I looked at her irritated, 

   "Yes?" I asked as if I had no clue what she could be wanting to talk to me about. 

   "we should talk" 

   "weird, now you want to talk... hmm why is that Agent Prentiss?" I asked with attitude lacing my voice. 

    "Y/n" she spoke as if she was warning me. 

    "Sorry but I don't have the time right now" I turned and walked into the room to join the rest of the team. 

     "Alright, my fine furry friends, we've got an unusual situation here" Garcia said. "In Magnolia Arkansas, families, specifically families of four have been disappearing every year on October 20th for the past four years. Local PD has requested our help in hopes to prevent a fifth disappearance this year." 

    "Aside from number of victims what else do the families have in common?" I questioned while skimming the files in front of me. 

    "That's the tricky part" Garcia sighed. "aside from being four membered families, it would appear nothing, one family is catholic, other atheist, another christian, and so on."

    "that's only religion, are we sure there aren't any other areas where these families could potentially overlap?" I added. 

    "Well, that would be where you come in mon a mi" she smiled weakly. "nobody else has been able to make any sort of connection." 

    "Alright, wheels up in thirty" Hotch spoke and we all dispersed. 

As I walked to get my go bag Emily stopped at my desk just long enough to say, 

   "You can't avoid me forever" and then continued walking. 

   "I can't avoid you period" I mumbled to myself. 

Thirty minutes later, we were on the jet. I sat adjacent from Hotch and across from Emily. The flight consisted of stolen glances between Hotch and I. In a way it was exciting. However, we were both aware that 'we' were not an item and simply two coworkers able to help the other out. 

    "When we land I'll have Y/n and Tara visit the ME's office, JJ and Morgan you can head to the Stones residence and see what you can gather. Reid and Rossi, you can go to the Wilsons house." 

    "Um, Sir, if you don't mind I'd like to join in going to the ME's" Emily added. 

   "Uh, yeah, that's fine, Y/n, then you'll stay with me and we'll go straight to the station" he spoke in his monotone voice. 

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