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Words: 212


I have been in this small fuckung cell for hours. These stupid cops came and took me out of my family's stupid party thing to ask STUPID FUCKING questions about Chrissy and my boyfriend Eddie. I mean of course I know where he is but they aren't gonna know that. If Hopper were here this never would have happened. I mean the thing with Chrissy probably would have but he would've known Eddie was innocent.

Finally one of the cops walks up and unlocks the cage.

"I believe you had something to do with it but I got told to let you go."

"Jeeze thanks for the pep talk." I walk out of the station and get greeted with Dustin, Steve and Robin.

"Thank god!!"

Dustin runs to me and hugs me.

"I was worried."

"I know, I'm okay I swear, can we just get out of here?"

"Of course, come on."

They get me in Steve's minivan then take me to Dustin's house. We were going to go see Eddie but we realized that we were being followed most likely by an undercover cop car or Jason and his little posse of goons.

On the way there we started talking to Eddie on the walkies. I hope this is over soon

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