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Jasmine's POV

Waking up to yet another dream about him I get up from my bed and see the time "Holly crap-" I said and realize I gotta be at the interview in 40 minutes, how impossible is that!?

Running to the bathroom and turning the water on in the shower  waiting for it to heat up I run back to my room and see my phone is 17% how did that happen?

Well duh Jasmine u didn't put it on charge! Oh shut up for once brain!

Quickly running back to the bathroom, striping myself from my pajamas and getting in the hot water that got me begging to never get out but I know if I wanna continue having nice hot showers in the future I gotta hurry hurry up!

After about 10 minutes I got out of the shower and ran into my room putting on the hair dryer, that was honestly the fastest shower I've ever had in my life, getting dressed and putting on my black heels I see this skirt is way too short and I really don't want to repeat what happened last night so I ran back to my closet almost tripping on the way with these heels I've decided to wear today and then kicking them out and breaking the heel!

"No no no no whyyy??" I asked myself on the edge of crying, trying my best to ignore the fact that I just broke my very expensive heels I turn around and see my old white heels that I got as an present two years ago from Mandy "Well you gotta do." I tell myself and then seeing there is a skirt that is longer than the other one I bought yesterday and decided to go with it and the white v-neck...

5 minutes later I'm taking the mascara and lipgloss and throwing it into my purse taking the comb and going through my hair once more letting it fall on my shoulders...

Okay I really didn't expect myself to actually look this good but I'm loving it!

Enough already Jasmine!

I turn away from the mirror and run to my front door, locking it and going down the stairs because I really can't wait for this building's slow elevator...

Making my way in a cab and giving him the destination I decided to take the mascara and put some on before we get there and to my surprise I didn't even smudge a little bit.
Proud of you Jasmine.

Getting out of the cab I speed walk to this big building that says Caplio holdings  ignoring the fact that its probability the biggest building I've seen by far, I got in and rushed over to the receptionist area and almost feeling like I belong but only just because of my clothes, usually I'm in baggie pants and tank tops but today I felt smart, but damn the interior of this place is mind blowing!

Waiting for the lady to finally notice me I start to feel really sick can I even do this?

Perhaps I should just leave right now I don't belong here yeah turn around! Turn around Jasmine!
Yep that's not happening since she looks up at me with a very warm smile on her face she asked "How can I help you miss?" Miss? Okay I like that! "Hi uhm I'm here for the interview for the secretary of the CEO?" Why did I make that sound like I question?


I'm literally a ball of nerves on legs today.

"Okay miss, Mr Benjamin is finishing up with the other girl for the position so if you don't mind waiting in the waiting area for a few minutes I'll call you to let you know when you can go in." She said with a very kind look written all over her, so there is other people who also came for the job? Well of course there is! They won't get it will they?

Giving the lady a nod I went to sit down admiring the view of this place it's got a Morden white an gold look and it screams Expensive.

And everywhere I look I se men in suits and woman walking with their noses in the sky with heels I know I'd end up in a wheelchair with.

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