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•Jasmine's POV•

Lacy showed me all shapes and colors of tables and at first I couldn't choose which I'd like to take but I finally did.

We ended up choosing the round higher tables.
They are a creamy white colour.

I told them what I wanted it to look like and they said they could do it.

The event planner was on his way and I told them I gotta get back to work while they give him all the necessary information.

So I left them to order all the tables,covers, and all the right colors which will be black and silver.

Now here I am back in my office going through some admin work.

My eyes started burning from staring at the laptop screen the whole time so I closed my eyes leaning back into my chair for a second "Looks nice in here." I heard my annoying boss's voice and I immediately opened my eyes to see him leaned against my door frame.

I sat up straight clearing my throat "Can I assist you with anything Mr Hunter?" I asked looking up at him.

And I can't help but look at him in awe his jaw is so sharp and he has a bit of a beard underneath his chin and around his mouth but it really isn't that noticeable.

His bright green eyes making him look like a little lost puppy as he looked down at me.
His hair is in messy curls but for some reason he still looked very neat that is when I noticed in his right ear he had a piercing but not an earning in it.

Did he have one back then?
Not that I can remember. Actually no he didn't.

"Mhm" he said shaking his head and I noticed he was playing around with his rings looking the slightest bit abnormal.

He actually looked a bit stressed "Are you sure? You seem stressed?..." I asked hoping he would open up to me but he just looked away standing up straight again as he cleared his throat going through his hair with his right hand.

"I look stressed? No I'm not I'm fine." He said but he was clearly hiding something and even tho I really wanted to know what it is in hoping to help him with whatever it is I didn't want to push him because he seemed uncomfortable "Did you meet with the even planner?" He asked quickly changing the topic so I just went along with it.

"Not really...-" I said closing my laptop and sitting a bit more straight and he cut me in "What do you mean you didn't? The event is on Wednesday Jasmine." He said in a very calm tone  looking at his nails.

Arrogant prick.

"If you'd just let me finish-" I was about to continue but he interrupted me once again "Oh... Well finish then."

This man.
My leg started bouncing underneath my table causing the heel of my shoe to click against the floor so I quickly stopped.

"I met up with them yes, but not really with the actual event planner he was running a bit late but I did tell them how I wanted it and they'll inform him." I said taking a big breath of air as I almost chocked on my own saliva.

I coughed a bit and in a second he was next to me handing me a glass of water and I quickly took it gulping it down.

"You alright?" He asked as I removed the glass from my mouth placing it on my desk.

"Hmm... Yes thank you." I said looking up at him only to find his face right in front of mine his lips parted as his minty breath traveled towards my nose.

I didn't want to seem like a creep but his cologne smelled amazingly amazing.

I closed my eyes taking in the smell of him and a little smile creeped it's way onto my lips and I immediately opened my eyes to see his is back at the door so I realized I probably looked like an insane person with my eyes closed smiling at the air.

Oh Jasmine.

"So when will they start?" He asked his husky voice bringing me back to reality "Uhm... Today." I said and he nodded his head sucking onto his bottom lip as if thinking about something.

"Good. I'm heading out alright so if anyone tries coming to my office claiming to have something important to say ignore it." He said and I found that a bit strange he actually looked serious about it so it had me confused "Do you understand Jasmine?"  He asked again and I just shook my head.

He nodded one lat time and headed out of my office.

Talk about strange.

I can't help but wonder what he meant by 'if anyone comes here to speak about something important I should ignore them' I know it might seem a bit weird but I can't help but hope that this person comes here.

Anyways that has nothing to do with me so let me get back to work.

Opening up my laptop I already feel my eyes getting tired of this screen so I ended up closing it again grabbing my purse and jacket heading towards the elevator.

I need a little bit of excitement in my day right now so I'll head over to the venue to see how things are going that side.

It has after all been hours since I was last there so they had to have made some process by now.
And hopefully I'll be able to meet the event planner too.

A/n ≈ Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
Lots of love Nadia 💛

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