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•Jasmine's POV•

"So Monday morning at 13:00 is fine?" Asked Sindy the CEO of Argen Holdings secretary.

"Yeah at 13:00" I told her "Okay thank you he'll be there" she said and I hanged up.

Now that that is done I can probably go home right...

I grabbed my purse throwing all my belongings inside, getting up straighting my clothes out with my hands so I can at least look presentable.

Switching of the light I stepped out of my office and saw Riley walking towards me "Jasmine!" She screamed as if she didn't know that I saw her...

She stood in front of me looking all exhausted and she flipped her long light brown hair over her shoulder and I only now noticed how pretty she actually is.

She had light brown eyes with a quite a lot of piercings in her ears that I also only noticed right now and I have no idea why.

"So what happened?" She asked already confusing me "What do you mean?" I asked her as she let out a little giggle and rolled her eyes "With your hand?" I then looking down at my hand and I actually forgot about it "I accidentally cut it open while picking up a cup that broke..." I explained and a little smirk played on her lips as she opened her mouth to speak again "I heard Mr Hunter helped you clean the cut..." She said wiggling her eyebrows up and down...

"Uh yes he did... Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as I chuckled softly"Don't you get it? He helped you..."  She said again and I honestly don't see where she is going with this because since when is it a sin to help someone this people makes a big deal out of literally everything oh my soul.

"So what Riley? There's nothing to it helping someone else" I said looking down at her seeing that she is slightly shorter than me "He clearly likes you!" She said looking down at her nails with a big grin on her face ...

He likes me?
Hmmm yeah sure.

"He doesn't he was kind enough to help and that is it." I said feeling a bit irritated with her right now "Jasmine he never helps anyone he hardly ever talks to us but you get cut and he comes to you rescue..." She started again and I tightened my grip on my purse as I tried not to let her words get to me...

I'm not going to think much of it because the only reason he helped me is because he felt the need to because it was after all his mother who caused all of it nothing more nothing less.

"Riley are you done already I want to go home?" I asked her and the smile on her face slightly fell "He even let's you go home earlier than the rest of us?" With her eyes widened "Riley! I cut my hand I can hardly do anything with it which basically makes me useless that's why he told me I can go home." I said letting out a little scoff as she eyed me and I just stared her down making her look away.

"If you say so... Okay goodbye Jasmine see you Monday.." and with that she walked away heading over to bother someone else and I continued to walk towards the elevator smiling as I thought about the fact that I can finally go and relax drinking some wine...

Wiat I don't even have wine.

Dammit now I have to go to the shop for that as well...

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