ranboo's execution

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Dream escaped with his life -- nobody knows how he did it, or how he knew, but he did. Quackity had a screaming fit and almost threw himself on the fleeing man, needing both Tubbo and Fundy to hold him back from his rage.

Ranboo brought the wrong book. It was his mistake -- he makes a lot of those -- and a fatal one, as he would soon learn. As the members of the cabinet yelled and shouted, Ranboo scribbled hurriedly in his book. He knew he'd to have to write what he actually feels, lest he forgets again and gets confused about his actual morals. But he didn't see it coming when Quackity jumped up and snatched the book out of his hands, snapping the fragile quill in two as the crazed teen flips through the pages, muttering about Ranboo not paying attention to the conversation.

"'Technoblade is cool?'" Quackity says aloud in disbelief, and Ranboo feels his blood run cold, colder than it usually is. "'In an okay way?' What the hell?"

Before he can even make an excuse, Tubbo snatches the book from Quackity's hands, his own eyes wildly scanning the messy scribbles. Ranboo holds his breath in expectation for the moment -- and the moment does come. Tubbo looks up at him with a shattered expression, and he can only barely hear him whisper, "Tommy is alive?"

Fundy leans over Tubbo's shoulder, reading the journal, and he comes up looking angry. "You -- you knew Tommy was alive and you didn't tell us?"

And Ranboo suddenly has to cover his ears, hunched over, because they're all yelling and shouting at him because he betrayed them, and he lied to them, and they thought they could trust him, and he can only vaguely see Phil out of the corner of his eye looking on worriedly from the porch of his house. It's all so loud, it's all so, so loud that he doesn't even fight when they shove him into the cage in the middle of L'Manburg, and he won't fight back as long as they just stop screaming at him.

Ranboo slides down the cage as the cabinet walks a few feet away, and he can't hear what they're saying because his hands are still over his ears. Once he finally lets them down and holds onto the bars, he can only catch snippets of conversation.

"Don't want to --" "Traitor --" "Lied --" "Conspiring with Dream --" "True --" "Quackity --"

And while he's still trying to process all of that, Tubbo walks up to him with a solemn yet slightly disgusted look on his face. He pulls a piece of the iron bars away, detaching them and leaving a space open right in front of Ranboo's face. He thinks he's getting let out, but when Tubbo walks away with the piece of the bars, he knows that that isn't the case.

The color drains from the hybrid's face as Quackity walks just in front of the cage, a mere ten feet away, Tubbo standing to his left and Fundy to his right. Quackity holds a bow -- the one-shot bow they were going to use to execute Dream.

"Ranboo, you have been accused of committing treason of the highest degree. A crime which, as instilled by a...past president of L'Manburg, warrants execution."

Execution. The word rings through Ranboo's ears and bounces around in his head, and it takes him a few moments for him to even register it, and when he does, his hands are on the bars in front of him and he's pleading. "Tubbo, I didn't -- it wasn't treason, I just followed -- I just...um...I -- I can't remember how I got there, but I saw Techno and Tommy, and if I told you about Tommy you would have known I was with Techno, so I couldn't --"

"So you lied to me about it?!" Tubbo suddenly exclaims, and Ranboo's mouth snaps shut. "You -- you let me think that my best friend took a fucking swan dive off of Logsteadshire to save your own hide?! I -- I can't believe you!"

"It wasn't to save my own hide," Ranboo squeaks, and he clears his throat. "I just knew that Quackity would take this information and do exactly what he's doing now with it!! You're all being irrational, I didn't do anything --"

"Shut up," Tubbo hisses, and Ranboo silences himself in fear for the second time. Tubbo looks up with steely eyes, though Ranboo can clearly see his knuckles turning white as he clutches the iron bars in his hand. "You have been sentenced to death for treason, Ranboo. You are also hereby exiled, for when you respond. What you did was...un-unforgivable. Quackity," Tubbo turns to the shorter male and nods, his voice lowering to a hushed whisper as he says breathily, "If you could..."

Quackity raises the bow to eye level, and Ranboo can feel the tears springing to his eyes and burning his skin. He frantically tries to wipe them away in pain, but they merely cause more, and when he can't do anything to stop them, he tries to plead with Quackity through expressions. they lock eyes, and Ranboo knows he looks as miserable and regretful as he could possibly be because he doesn't want to die, he's so scared, he doesn't want to die again it always hurts it always always hurts --

Quackity smiles.

"Sayonara, traitor."

And the last thing Ranboo sees before it all goes black is the tipped arrow zipping through the air, aiming to land right between his eyes.

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