untitled au (unf.)

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some unfinished modern with magic superpower au nonsense you know how it b


Wilbur had insisted on bringing Schlatt to the field after he found out about everyone -- Tommy wasn't going to be the person to argue with him. He had no qualms with it, and although the guy is abrasive and rude most of the time, Tommy can tell that he's a good person...for the most part.

The sky is dark and cloudy, a foreboding sign of the weather to come. Nobody took a look at the forecast (except for probably Ranboo), but nobody would be too surprised if it started pouring -- no matter what a secluded town this place is, it's still very much England, and it still rains a lot.

The group of boys (Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, Ranboo, Tubbo, Fundy, and Schlatt) all sit on the grassy floor of the field, save for Ranboo and Schlatt. Ranboo because he probably feels better towering over everyone, Tommy doesn't know, and Schlatt because...well, he's Schlatt. Tommy doesn't think he'd be caught dead sitting on grass when there's another option. He has his hands crossed over his chest, drumming his fingers on his arms before sighing at the rest of them. "Why am I here, exactly?"

The entire group turns to Wilbur -- it was his decision, anyways. Wilbur merely shrugs and lays back on the ground. "I wanted to brainstorm ideas for the drama project, I dunno why you two are here," He points to Ranboo and Schlatt, the first of whom looks confused and the second looks offended. "You just decided to tag along and I let you."

"I did no such thing," Schlatt snaps, and Tommy throws his arms over his eyes, his ears being tickled by the grass. Here we go. "You dragged me out here with your band of merry weirdos and I followed out of the good of my heart, and now you're telling me you want to work on your nerdy drama crap? Miss me with that."

Ranboo messes with his hair before pointing at Tubbo. "I just followed him."

"We know, Ranboo," Techno says through a huff of laughter. "It's all that you do."

Tommy sits up before Ranboo can reply, waving his hands in front of him. "Stop, stop it, no. We're not here to do this today, we actually have to work on this," Tommy scowls and leans on his hands planted in the grass behind him. "We pushed it to a week before the due date, Mrs. Wilson said some of it has to be improvised, not all of it. We basically only have an outline, Dream and Sapnap and George are going to get better performance grades than us if we don't at least try and do some of this."

"Yeah, well, wouldn't we get an even better grade than them if we improvised most of it and still did well?" Tubbo questions, and Tommy glares at him, the older boy raising his hands in mock surrender.

"That's what I'm doing," Ranboo mutters, fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeve. "I generally know what I'm gonna talk about...and I've discussed the trajectory it should go in with my partner, but --"

"I thought you said you didn't have a partner?" Tubbo asks, cutting Ranboo off with a confused tone.

"I don't," is the immediate reply, though Ranboo looks slightly nervous when he says it. "They're less of a partner and more like...I guess they're just a background character. Well, no, they're important, but they're not --" He just shakes his head, splaying his hands out in front of him to pause his speech. "You'll see. It's gonna be sick."

Schlatt looks on the verge of bursting out laughing, one of his hands in his pocket and the other covering his mouth as he shakes his head. "You guys are so geeky, oh my God. I'm surprised this one --" He juts his thumb towards Ranboo, who jumps. "Doesn't get shoved into a locker every single day, routinely, on a damn schedule."

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