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tubbo has never been good at reading people's emotions. he isn't, never has been, and probably never will be. he's never known when to stop a joke or when he's taken something too far. it's definitely a problem, enough people have told him that for him to know, but he forgets about it until the next time someone reprimands him.

the people that suffer at the hands of his 'jokes' are usually one of his two best friends, tommy and ranboo. and tommy doesn't get a good enough reaction (he doesn't really get scared by much anymore), so he's fully turned on ranboo as a victim. and man, this guy falls for everything. it's great.

he pulls his brown coat closer around him, shivering because of the freezing cold temperatures in snowchester. ranboo walks around in his netherite armour, as per usual, with his helmet off and his ears completely exposed. he has no idea how the guy doesn't get cold with nothing but his suit and freezing cold metal pressing against his skin, but whenever he asks, the guy just shrugs and responds with "enderman." (it's funny most of the time, and infuriating when tubbo wants answers.)

they're joking and chatting about some of the newer drama going on between karl, quackity, and sapnap, because when is something not happening with those three? they always have silly arguments and try to drag half of the server onto their side.

he isn't paying attention to where he's going in the slightest, and when the two of them end up near the plethora of berry bushes ranboo planted everywhere, tubbo catches his foot in a root that's come up from under the ground and goes flying.

he can't break his fall, but he lands on the ground right next to a fallen branch that would have hurt like a bitch if he did actually hit his head on it. he hears ranboo yelp from far above him, and his rushed and panicked "oh my god, are you okay?" makes tubbo snicker inwardly.

and then he realizes. he probably thinks tubbo actually hit the branch. an opportunity.

tubbo shakes the snow out of his hair with a particularly animalistic huff, blowing fog from his nose in the action. he tries to stand up, and he feels ranboo pull him in assistance. he smiles once he's fully on his feet, looking ranboo directly in the eyes (something that he never does out of...basic decency) and saying, "th...thanks, man, haha. i don't know what happened there, geez --"

"are you bleeding? is your head okay?" ranboo's expression is concerned, but he also looks uncomfortable with the extended eye contact tubbo refuses to break the stare as he lifts his hand to his head, wincing as an actual jolt of pain goes through his skull. maybe he didn't hit his head on the branch, but he sure did hit his head. "yeah, n-no, it hurts, definitely, but i think it'll be okay in a bit."

ranboo lets out a relived sigh, closing his eyes and saying, "well, that's good, i suppose. i was scared you actually got, like, badly hurt."

tubbo waves him off. "i'm fine. now, i don't think i've seen you around snowchester before!" the smaller boy takes delight in the look of confusion that spreads across ranboo's face as he continues, saying, "i can give you a tour, if you'd like! i founded this place, my name is tubbo."

he holds out a hand with a kind, innocent smile. "what's your name?"

tubbo has never been good at reading people. and the panic that jolts behind ranboo's eyes fuels him to continue, a quiet aspect of malice festering in the back parts of his mind that is fed every time he plays one of his pranks cheering with excitement.

the game is afoot.

"haha, very funny," ranboo says shakily, rolling his eyes. tubbo falters and frowns. no, he's acting, right? yeah, he sounds panicked, tubbo thinks, and decides that that's reason enough to continue.

"what do you mean?" he asks in the most innocent voice he can muster. "i don't think we've met before, maybe i've just forgotten? there are a lotta people on this server, so i'm sorry if --"

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