me & michael

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michael is a child prodigy. ranboo goes to visit him. oh yeah, and tommy just got revived. that sure did happen.(ishju is foolish jr. btw :)


Ranboo finds himself dragging his heavy body up the ladder to Michael's room in Snowchester, feeling compelled to check on him for no reason in particular.

As soon as he makes it through the trapdoor and closes it behind him, Michael dashes over from his favorite spot by the window and latches onto Ranboo's leg, who ruffles the child's hair as he chirps out, "Hi, dad!"

Ranboo can't keep a slight smile from forcing its way onto his face as he reaches over and picks Michael up. "Heeey, kiddo! What've you been up to today?"

Michael's eye widens as he squirms to be put down, which Ranboo does quickly to allow the small boy to run over to his desk to the side of the room and pick up three pieces of paper. "I did drawing today, so you and papa can put it on the wall for me!" He holds out the papers proudly before pulling them back and closer to his chest, waddling over to his yellow bed and climbing onto it with slight difficulty before patting the spot next to him so Ranboo would sit down.

Ranboo chuckles as he makes his way over, dropping down on the bed in such a fashion that bounces Michael and makes him go rolling backwards...or, Michael does that himself for the fun of it. Either way, the boy breaks out into giggles, and Ranboo picks him up and plops him back down in his place on the bed. Immediately, Michael clears his throat dramatically and says, "'Kay, so, I drawed three --" He holds up three fingers. "Drawings today."

"It's 'drew,' Michael, not 'drawed,'" Ranboo says softly. "But go on."

Michael does no such thing, his face twisting into a confused frown. "Papa said it's the same thing 'cuz it means the same thing, though."

Ranboo lets out an internal sigh. Of course. "Can I tell you a secret, buddy?" Michael nods enthusiastically at the prospect. Ranboo leans over and whispers in Michael's ear, "Papa barely knows how to talk, either, don't listen to anything he says." His voice drops into a louder, more playful whisper towards the end, and Michael lets out little snorts of delight and nods, and Ranboo laughs.

"Okay, okay, so, I made three drawings, so I'm gonna show you them in, um, the first one I drawed -- drew, the second one, and the third one." Michael looks up to Ranboo for approval, who gives him a thumbs-up.

"Sounds good to me, buddy." Ranboo affirms, and Michael grins, shoving a paper onto Ranboo's chest.

"So, I drewed this one really fast, so it's not really the best...est(?), but I made it anyways, so it's still pretty good!" The child sounds hilariously confident (if you manage to decipher what the heck he's trying to say) and it makes Ranboo chuckle as he looks at the drawing now in his hands. At which his eyebrows immediately perk up.

It's far more well drawn than anything Ranboo had ever seen drawn by a three-or-so-year-old. It's lines are steady and thin, and the proportions aren't all that off, either. It's a simple, cheesy image of Ranboo and Tubbo standing on either side of Michael with large smiles, the rings on Tubbo's horn and the one on Ranboo's hand being distinctly colored in yellow. They stand amidst a brown backdrop, which Ranboo assumes to be his room. It would be funny if Ranboo was comically tall and Tubbo short, but the boy somehow managed to almost perfectly represent their heights relative to Michael's.

Ranboo feels a tug on his suit sleeve and looks down to see Michael staring at him. " you not like it?"

Ranboo is genuinely startled at the notion before realizing that his concentrated face could probably be seen as displeasure. He waves his hands placatingly. "No way, kiddo, it looks great! It's very impressive, really."

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