a death fit for an enderman

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ranboo genuinely has no idea how he ended up in the situation he's in.

he knows his memory gets spottier because of anxiety, but he didn't think it'd ever get this bad. he has no idea how he ended up standing next to the l'cast lake with dream, who stands next to him with his hands stuck in his pockets. he's sure that there's a reason and it was probably bad, given that he literally cannot remember how he got there for the life of him. he feels just about ready to book it out of there when dream startles him by speaking.

"so. you know why i brought you here."

ranboo looks down at the older man and mentally blinks before shaking his head. "n -- i, um, i can't, i, uh --"

"you can't remember? geez, i didn't know your memory got that bad," dream says in a light tone, and ranboo laughs nervously.

"it really only gets this bad when i'm...uh...an-anxious. about something. but i can't even remember what."

"mm." dream turns back to watch the sunset, and then says in the most ironically flippant tone, "well, i have to kill you, ranboo."

ranboo suddenly finds himself a solid twenty feet away. he feels heat rise to his face -- why is he feeling embarrassed? the guy literally just threatened his life. he looks back to where dream was standing, turning to run away, but he runs right into dream. he's left speechless as he starts to back away, but dream grabs his arm before he can do so and he freezes.

"it's -- it's nothing personal, really," dream says jovially. "i know about how your brain works -- you basically do a total reset when you die canonically, right? i need you to get away from tommy, you won't listen..." dream shrugs. "i get it. you're a good friend, but, um...it's a little annoying for what i'm trying to do, y'know?"

"i -- why are you being so chill about this?! -- no, let me go, dream, stop!"

his cries land on deaf ears as dream shoves him to the ground, planting a foot on his chest and knocking all of the air out of ranboo's lungs. he draws a bow and points it right at ranboo's forehead, and he's never wished that he can teleport on command more before. "a -- again, it's nothing personal. i like your vibe or whatever, but yeah. sorry."

he lets go of the arrow, and ranboo, once again, finds himself elsewhere. without even considering where he is or where Dream is, he starts to run away to -- somewhere. and somewhere from inside of him, alarms start to blare and he finds himself at the edge of the pond. he sees dream standing a few ways away, an arrow in a tree some feet away. ranboo feels sick when he realizes that that was supposed to be in his skull. so was the other arrow.

dream blinks out of existence and right next to him yet again, and ranboo teleports away from him for the third time. his heart hammers hard in his chest from adrenaline and overuse of the teleporting feature and he sighs in relief before realizing that he is in the air.

he lets out a screechy kind of scream as he falls, and is instantly cut off when he hits the water. it'd hurt like balls for any normal person, but he can feel his right side light on fires he's fully submerged, starting to thrash around and kick his limbs wildly as he tries to claw his way back to the surface, all of the air leaving his lungs yet again thanks to the pain. he can see another shadowy figure through blurry eyes that starts to make its way back to the shore -- dream, obviously, leaving him to drown. easily the worst way to go out.

Feeling his consciousness start to leave him, he latches on to the remaining bit and wills himself to --


Ranboo hits the grass hard, and he rolls over, choking and coughing to try and get the water out of his lungs. He takes in huge, heaving gulps of air, and he feels like he's about to have a heart attack from how hard it's beating in his chest -- he's sure anyone around would be able to hear it. If it beats any harder, it'll explode, he thinks.

And suddenly, in the middle of that thought, he feels his hair be grabbed and yanked upon, and he lets out a breathy scream. A voice from above him rings through his head, muffled and blurry, saying, "alright, fine. Since you want to be annoying about it --"

Ranboo suddenly feels his body lurch, his arms being pulled behind his back and the grip on his hair tightening -- he lets out an even louder scream at the mishandling of his sensitive, burned skin from the water, the tears bubbling to his eyes not at all helping with the effect -- before he's suddenly jerked forward and his head is submerged in the water.

he had no idea this type of pain existed. He tries to thrash around in Dream's unrelenting grip, trying to get him to let go, but to no avail. Though the foggy haze of the water in his lungs, in his mouth, burning his skin like acid, he tries to focus on himself to try and teleport, but the sharp pain that shoots through his heart when he does is enough to deter him from trying any harder. The burning in his lungs (that is substantially worse on the right side for obvious reason) is easily the most sufferable pain -- his skin, on the other hand, feels like it's being melted away with a torch, like if he's left under there for another second his right half will be nothing but bones, and his eyes both burn too and everything is so blurry and foggy, and he can't focus on anything because everything hurts, and his head is pounding but he can slowly feel his consciousness start to slip away and then --

And then it's jerked away, and he blacks out.

...Dream keeps him under for a few more minutes before the twitching stops. Just to be safe.

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