new flat

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sorry i forgot to introduce someone!

this is bailey! the main character 🤯🤯🤯

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this is bailey! the main character 🤯🤯🤯

exhausted, mentally and physically, i drag the last of my bags up to my room, Harry, Cal and Cal left to get lunch leaving me to unpack, they've been nothing but kind since i got here :)

two hours go by and half of my stuff is packed away already when someone knocks on my room door

"it's me harry! can i come in!"

"of course, doors unlocked!" i say

harry takes a seat on my bed, eyeing what's yet to be unpacked

"how are you holding up?" he asks softly

i sigh and lie back on my bed, staring at the ceiling

"i feel empty" i say honestly

"i know how you feel bails, when me and katie broke up i was heartbroken, i- i know your situation is a lot worse" he says looking at the bruises on my arm "but remember i'm always here for you"

i sit up and hug him tightly

"thank you so much harry, you're the best brother i could have ever asked for" i say happy he knows what i'm going through "i missed you so much"

"i missed you too bails, i swear if that cun- prick ben ever steps a foot near you or tries to hurt you again i'll-"

"it's okay harry" i cut him off

"bailey it's not okay" he sighs laying back on my bed "he kept you from seeing us all for two whole years, he didn't even let you talk to your own blood, me! he damaged you badly and i'll never, never forgive him"

"i missed you so much harry, i really did, im so glad i finally got away from him"

"me too."

————time skip————

i wake up sweating. another nightmare, when will this end, ben is still in my head, haunting me. i slip down stairs quietly, making sure not to wake the boys up and go to make the some breakfast. it's the least i could've done after they opened their home up for me.

"morning bails" i hear freeze say while slowly making his way downstairs

"hey freezy" i say back without taking my attention off the bacon

"how are you holding up? are you feeling comfortable? is there anything i can do?" he questions

"no cal, im feeling so uncomfortable" i say while sarcastically rolling my eyes

"missed your humour you know" he says through his classic freezy laugh

"yo" cal says coming downstairs "what smells good?"

"that'll be my bacon and pancakes i've made everyone" i exclaim very proud of the breakfast i had made "dig in"

they did just that

————time skip————

i'm lying on my bed staring at my ceiling once again, feeling empty, i can't even cry anymore, i'm so emotionally drained. i hear a knock in the midst of my thoughts

"come in!" i groaned

"bails!" lux says happily, the opposite of me "sorry were you sleeping, did i wake you?"

"no cal your all good" i laugh "i was trying to sleep but i can't see that happening"

"well me and the boys were wondering if you want to come out with everyone, they all really want to see you" lux suggests

"of course! i've been dying to see them all!" i say as my face instantly lights up

"be ready at seven"

harry's sister - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now