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we arrived at the beach huts, you know the ones that go over the water

we arrived at the beach huts, you know the ones that go over the water

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(in case you don't know what i'm talking about)

the boys booked out a whole row of the huts, 7 of them. the rooms included of:
jj and simon
me, talia and freya
josh and tobi
harry, lux and freezy
niko and sharky
ethan and vikk
aj, kenny and chunkz

me and the girls decided to sleep together so it'd be like a fun sleepover, we needed a good catch up.

as soon as we arrived, ethan and vikk jumped straight in the water, splashing jj as well

"YOU NONCE, I HATE YOU GUYS" jj said CLEARLY overreacting

simon chuckled and pushed him in, then i jumped in and so did everyone else.

"oi aj looks like a drowned rat!" kenny shouted

"i'll bite you then" aj says showing his teeth

"come on then" kenny teases

he now has a bite mark on his shoulder. i'm sure he regrets that

we all decided to go to breakfast somewhere, we didn't rent any cars so we decided to walk, which was probably a stupid idea. 20 minutes into the walk and josh who was directing us had already got us lost.

"alright you lot" josh announces "i have no fucking clue where we're going" he chuckles

a bunch on sighing and laughing comes from the group

"oh my days, josh you dumbass" tobi said "i'm so hungry"

"same" we all agree with him

we decide to try make our way back and chunkz catches up with me

"yo bailey" he says

"yeah?" i ask

"filly's coming over in two days and we're filming a bad bistro, he wanted to ask if you'd be down?"

"of course, i fucking loveee those videos" i say "who's gonna be in it?"

"me, you, filly obviously and harry" chunkz says

"it's gonna be a banger i reckon"

11:14 am

with everyone being starving due to josh's lack of direction, we called a couple ubers to take us to a cafe. thank fuck. we arrived at this cute cafe about ten minutes later, we had to put a couple of tables together since there was so much of us. i was sat beside talia and kenny, and across from me was harry.

"you excited for the bad bistro?" kenny asked

"yes! oh my days i love those videos, i'm gonna be hopeless, the only thing i think i'll be good at is waitressing" i replied

harry's sister - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now