bali pt4

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tobi and i walked through the water back to the rest of the group

"oiii what was that all about" filly said splashing the water like a kid

"nothing much" i said smirking

"why's tobi got his hand around you like that then" vick questioned

tobi quickly took his hand off my waist

"oi you lot, shut up already" he said with a hint of anger

"ahhh the man's getting mad now" kenny said mocking tobi

"wallahi bros PISSED" amin said leaning on kenny

"better not be too loud tonight" niko added

"i swear,, shut up before i beat you" tobi laughed

"oi tobes, come over here" josh said signalling for tobi to come over

—-tobis pov—-

holy shit, i can't believe i just did that. and bailey said yes. where'd all this sudden confidence come from???

"yo josh" i said making my way to the sand

"i see your little moves, don't act sly you know. you gotta tell me" josh said not looking away from his phone

"funny story you know, we're going out on a date" i said rubbing the back of my head

"WHAT, you asked bailey??" josh said putting his phone down "where'd all this tommy t confidence come from?"

"ahaha, i don't even know" i said

"naw my little tobes is finally making moves on his dream girl" josh said slightly mocking me

"fuck you" i said kicking him "i'm going back in the water, have fun tanning"

"i shall" he said returning to his phone

—-your pov—-

"HE ASKED??" freya said "girl i'm so happy for youuu"

"i know, i was taken aback" i said giggling

"well we gotta help you get ready" talia said

"you have to look FINE" freya added

"what are you tryna say frey..." i said sarcastically

"shut up" she said giving me a weak hit in the arm

"where are youse off to?" simon asked as we were making our way to the room

"oh yeah no where, just getting bailey ready for a lil date" talia said smirking

"TALIA" i said kicking her

"don't worry, your secrets safe with me" simon said

"it fucking better be, your gyal is getting me all niced up for this one" i said laughing

"we are" talia said leaning on freya

"what's all this i hear" jj said making his way to us

"go away jj" talia said "go hang out with your lil boyf simon"

"nah fuck you" just said with his signature laugh

the girls took me upstairs to get me ready, i'm not sure why they're taking it so seriously, but it's more time with my bestfriends so i'm not gonna say no 🤷‍♀️

i chucked on some tyler the creator, smuckers, and started changing into something cute


liked by:  tobjizzle, callux and 67,455 morebailey

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liked by: tobjizzle, callux and 67,455 more
bailey.lewis: fun times
chunkz: gyal in a fit
taliamar: my stunning bae xx
bailey.lewis: love you xxxx

i made my way outside to tobi who had ordered us an uber

"where are we going tobes" i ask hopping in the car

"oh you'll see" tobi says smirking

"tobi wallahi you're too mysterious" i said laughing "you better not murder me here or something"

"oiii maybe i am" he shrugs "you look great by the way"

"thank you tobi, so do you" i say blushing

after 30 minutes, the car came to a holt

"we're here" tobi said smiling at me

"this place is beautiful tobi, how did you set all this up" i ask looking around

we were on a beach at sunset with picnic blankets and delicious looking food.

"i had help y'know" tobi said shrugging, wrapping his arm around me

"you're so cute" i said

i still can't process the fact tobi, TOBI, asked me on a date.

"how are you liking it?" tobi asked smiling while eating

"tobi i love it" i said with a mouth full of food

"wanna go swimming?" tobi asked out of the blue

"i mean, sure" i said laughing

tobi jumped up and ran in the water, fully clothed, and i did the same

"FUCK ITS COLD" tobi yelled jumping up and down

"ahaaa pussio" i said laughing

tobi proceeded to push me in the water, which made me scream like a bitch. bro when i tell you that water was coldddd.

"tobi i hate you!" i laughed splashing water on him

"sure you do" tobi said, staring at me

this man. THIS MAN.

he placed his hand on my face, when a dog ran up to us

"ah shit sorry, sorry" a random guy said from the shore "we'll be on our way now"

"all good" tobi said

bitch that dog just ruined my chance

"well it's pretty dark now, we better head back" i said to tobi

"i had a great night bailey" tobi said to me

"same, we should do it again some time" i said shivering

—-time skip—-
we got back to the villa where i was greeted by talia and freya

"sooo how was it?" talia asked

"you guys are so annoying, it was great" i said laughing

"oh so you're just not going to tell us anything" freya said sarcastically

"mmm.... not right now" i said laughing closing the door on them

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