the flight

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today was the day of the trip, the one week long vacation to the beautiful bali, this is very well needed.

i wake up to tobi jumping on my bed, forcing me to awaken from my sleep.

"what time is itttt" i ask

"six!!! come on bails we need to get ready!" he says very excitedly

"yeah yeah i'm coming" i say slowly getting up

me and tobi order an uber and put our stuff in the car. the ride there was very fun, we were just joking the whole time and having a good time. we arrived 20 minutes later to everyone waiting outside of the airport, i greeted everyone and started talking to sharky, we go long back (friend from school)

"heyy bailey" sharky says

"hey sharky! long time no see" i say hugging him

"so... you and tobi yeah" he says

"no no i swear it's not like that.... i mean i want it to be though"

"i figured" he says with a smug look

"oi you better not say or do anything though, it would ruin our friendship" i say full seriousness

"don't worry bails, i won't, butttt i'm pretty sure he likes you too you know" he says "he is leng tho you know" he says with a straight face

"yeah" i say, we than start cracking up and everyone's eyes went on us

"sorry guys" sharky apologises, then starts laughing again.

it's time for us to board the flight and i'm sitting in between jj and chunkz. great. normally jj would just sleep the whole time, but with chunkz there they'd just keep cracking jokes the whole time.

8:30 am
and of course i was right, none of it was aimed at me though, yet.

"soooo bailey, how's little tobi woby" chunkz teases

"AMIN, shut up i swear!" i say hitting his arm

"don't deny it bailey, we all know there's something going on.... so how many times have you banged" jj asks, classic jj

"oh my days, i swear, it's not like that, we haven't kissed or anything!" i say

"say wallahi" chunkz says

"wallahi" i say trying to prove my point

i still had another couple hours of this flight left, i'm praying i'm not sitting next to these two at the flight swap.

we finally arrived at the swap over. i catch up with everyone and we boarded the next plane, this time i was sitting with niko and tobi. i'm actually happy about this

the flight was going smoothly, me and niko caught up and we were all having a great time, suddenly i needed to go to the bathroom (probably all the drinks i had)

——- tobis pov——

once bailey went toilet, niko started hounding me with questions.

"you've banged?" he asks

"no" i say

"kissed?" he asks again

"no!" i say back

"do you like her though?"

"yes, i'm guessing it's obvious, she's kind, funny, i get along with her well, and a bonus is she's leng, but she's way out of my league, she wouldn't be into me" i reply

"tobi, look at yourself, you're a good looking man, i've had my eyes on you for a while" he winks "but in all serious, you're gonna have to go for it some time this trip"

"yeah, i've been thinking about it" i say resting my head against the chair, and just on queue bailey comes back.

"what's good?" niko asks bailey

"i feel relieved, i've been holding that in for an hourrrr" bailey says back

i chuckle slightly

"alright, i've got to leak too" niko says winking at me

"i'm so happy to be on this trip" bailey says "i need this"

"you deserve it" i say smiling at her

all of a sudden i get a tap on my shoulder, i turn around to the seat behind me and see a drunk triangle head staring at me

"aj, what do you need?" i ask

"sneaky link in the bathroom?" he asks with a concerning straight face "nah nah do you lot wanna come out tonight? easy fix for jet lag"

"i'm down" bailey says

"same then" i say

"alright then it's sorted" aj says

i turn back around and decide to put on a movie

"i'm just going to talk to harry okay" bailey says

"yeah i'll still be here when you come back" i laugh

—-baileys pov—-

i walk over to harry and sat on josh's seat, he was over talking to talia.

"you alright?" harry asks "i haven't had much of a chance to talk to you, my schedules been full, i'm really sorry"

"yes harry i'm good" i smile at him "and don't apologise, i've had tobi here for me, he's been a great friend"

"i'm glad" harry says "i'm not gonna lie, i ship you two hard"

"oh my days not this again" i say back shaking my head "i've got this from so much people"

"more confirmation then" he laughs

"shut up" i say hitting him

i walk back to my seat

"what are you watching?" i ask tobi

"orphan, this shits mad scary" he says

"give me an airpod, i'll watch it with you"

a couple hours later we finally arrive in bali, which was a huge relief. we exited the plane and i uploaded a photo to my story.


i walked over to the girls and started chatting as we made our way out of the airport and called some ubers

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i walked over to the girls and started chatting as we made our way out of the airport and called some ubers.

man was bali stunning

—-authors note—-

sorry this story was short it's just a filler :)

i hope you guys are enjoying this story please leave feedback and tips!

thank you guys all for reading, i've got some good plans for this story!

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