the hangover

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"OI YOU LOT GET IN HERE!" ethan yells waking me up "these two yeah"

"ooooh, tobi and bailey, i called that" i hear simon say

it clicks what's happening and i slowly open my eyes, realising i fell asleep on tobis bare chest. soon enough tobi wakes up too, he looks down to me and smiles, but then noticing everyone around us, taking photos and mocking us. i quickly get up and i can feel my face warming up.

"fuck off you guys" i say, rubbing my pounding head.

"not until you tell us what's happened here" vikk says jokingly

"if you guys fucked in my bed, i'm going to kill you" ethan replies rolling his eyes

"nothing happened, i swear" tobi says, his cheeks turning red "we just talked all night, that's it" he wasn't lying

everyone eventually leaves, and tobi and i decide to get up

"i'm sorry about them, i know they know nothing happened, but they're still gonna tease us" tobi says

"i completely forgot about what cunts they are" i laugh "behz better have some panadol somewhere"

tobi and i entered the kitchen, greeted by loud laughter, and then everyone's head being turned towards us.

"here comes the lovers" josh says cooing at us

"shut up and get the girl some panadol" tobi argues

"whatever 'bigman'"

"alright since everyone's here" harry says "how about this trip?"

"what trip?" jj says rubbing his head

"the one you suggested you dumbass" simon laughs

"huh? oh uh yeah" jj says unconvincingly

"anyways, are we actually doing this, i need a break, and i'm sure bailey needs one too" harry says

"you're right about that" i say back

"well i'm down" josh says and everyone agrees

i guess we're really doing this.

————time skip————

i'm in shot gun with harry, and the class are sleeping in the backseat.

"be honest with me bailey, do you have a thing for tobi" harry asks "i can tell he has a thing for you"

"i- why you gotta put me on the spot like that"

"bailey don't lie to me, i can see you blushing" he laughs

"i hate you." i lie "but, yeah, i guess i do"

"good, he's a really nice guy, everyone knows that, he'll treat you right"

————time skip————

I check the time as i wake up, it's 11? i've been out for 14 hours, holy shit. i make my way downstairs, what smells disgusting?

"bailey! come try these pancakes freezy and chip made, i don't want to try them alone, i'm scared" tobi laughs

"a cook off? it smells disgusting"

"yep my one has popping candy AND bacon in it" chip says proudly

"well my one has scrambled eggs in it and it has sausages" freeze competes

"i can tell, it's very.... chunky" i say back

"bails come taste them with me" tobi says with pleading eyes

"fine" i say rolling my eyes sarcastically

i take a seat at the kitchen island, say hi to the camera and take a bite of chips one.

"what the fuck chip, that's disgusting" i say

"chip you're a horrible cook" tobi also says

"i hate you guys" chip says

"alright, now try my one" freezy says

i take a small bite, just to be cautious

"you know it's not that bad, it could've done without the chunky ness though" i compliment

"well i think it's gross, you both lose" tobi says

"freezys my winner" i say

freezy starts jumping around in joy, and verbally abusing chip when me and tobi get talking.

"never again" i laugh

"same, i've done a couple of these videos and they've all been horrible"

"i'm still starving, i'm not eating anymore of that" i say

"how about breakfast?" tobi suggests

"i'm always down for breakfast"


i hope you guys are liking this :) plz leave any feedback or tips, i wont be offended at all

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