tobis flat

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i'm still so shocked at what happened, i can't comprehend that ben knows my whereabouts and how he found me. i'm back to where i started, night terrors and the old jumpiness.

harry said he was going to sort it, i wonder what he meant by that.

me, the sidemen and the girls are gathering my stuff to move to tobis, i can't take my mind off tobi, he offered me to move to his house, i'm sure he's just being nice, but i really wish it was something more. at least we still have the trip coming up, that's what i'm most looking forward to :)

as i walk into my new living situation tobi turns to me

"are you alright?" he asks

"no, i'm honestly scared, i'm scared of ben, and what harry's planning on doing" i say, my eyes tearing up. tobi shouldn't be seeing me like this

"well you have me now, i'll take the couch, you take the bed." he offers "whatever harrys planning on doing, i'm sure it will be fine, he's not a violent person if that's what your worrying about"

"thank you so much tobi" i say hugging him "but i'll take the couch, it's your house"

————time skip————

me and tobi decided to go out for dinner that night, noth not bothered to cook. we went to a cute little italian restaurant. we ordered and decided to get a pizza to share.

"so are you excited for the trip?" tobi asks "its only a week away"

"of course i am, i can't wait to see everyone, especially everyone in the beta squad, it's going to be so fun having everyone together again" i say

"it'll be good getting away from here, away from ben" tobi says

"don't be getting worked up over ben" i say "it's a waste of your time"

"bailey, i can't just forget what he did to you, i wish i stopped it" he says putting his hand on mine

we both just stare at our hands for a minute, before he pulls away

"a- sorry" he says looking ashamed

"don't be" i smile at him

i catch him blushing a little, too cute.

once we get back, we decide to watch a couple movies, it's a good distraction. i feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and slowly closing as i rest my head on tobis shoulder, i felt his arm going around me and his head resting on mine.

————tobis pov————

'i really like this girl' i think as my head rests on hers.

i awaken to bailey shaking and crying a little.

"bailey? bails!" i say

she wakes up suddenly, hyperventilating and crying. i attempt to calm her down by getting her to match her breathing patterns with mine and it works.

"thank you tobi" she says cuddling into me "i'm sorry" she whispers

"no need" i say hugging her back "you can't be apologising for your feelings, i've had bad mental health before and it's nothing to be sorry for" i say pushing her hair behind her ear, admiring her beauty.

————baileys pov————

after tobi calms me down, i fall back asleep, cuddling into him. he's honestly, hands down the kindest person i've ever met.

i wake up to the smell of bacon, and see tobi making breakfast in the kitchen.

"god what time is it?" i ask rubbing my eyes

"oh only eleven" he laughs

"shit, what time did you get up?" i say, embarrassed

"eight" he says back smiling

"ahhh, you should've woken me up" i say jokingly

"you looked cute sleeping though"

———time skip———

the trip was tomorrow and i was packing all the stuff i wanted to take, i'm a very prepared gyal i know.

"how's packing going?" tobi asks while leaning against the door frame, which i must add, looked very attractive

"tobes packing is so hard you know? i've got too much clothes and i have to pick an outfit for seven days, plus dinner and stuff" i rant

"here let me help you then" he says

"if you must" i say sarcastically

with tobi helping, we get my packing done in 20 minutes, a new record. the only problem is now shutting the suitcase

"oh my dayssss" tobi says trying to push down the suitcase "this is impossible"

"in moments like these we need ksi" i say laughing at his struggles "here, let me help"

i start pushing down on the suitcase, and we finally end up closing it

"finally!" tobi says as he picks me up in excitement, i start struggling to get out of his grip, but it only makes him hold me tighter and start running around the flat

"tobi!!! let me down!" i say hitting his back

"never!" he says

i finally give up and go limp over his shoulder, putting all my weight onto him. he chucks me down on his bed after a while.

"now go to sleep" he orders "we need to be up at seven tomorrow, and i know that will be a STRUGGLE for you"

"fuck you" i say dozing off

——-authors note——

i hope you guys are enjoying this :) thank you for all the views, i know there's not much but i appreciate it!

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