night out

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i wasn't in the right headspace for going out, but nonetheless i was excited to see everyone, i hadn't seen them in two years. crazy.

i connect my phone to my speaker and started playing my favourite artist, tyler the creator ofc, to get ready to, the music helped me escape from my thoughts, it helped me focus on what i was doing, music is my escape. after i finished my makeup, just a natural look, i decided on leaving my hair out. i check the time, 6:43

"fuck" i say to myself "i still don't have something to wear"

i rummaged through my unpacked suitcases until i finally landed on something cute to wear

i rummaged through my unpacked suitcases until i finally landed on something cute to wear

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it was basic, but it'll do. i checked the time

"6:58, with time to spare" i said to myself subconsciously

"bails! you ready?" harry called from downstairs

"coming!" i called back excitedly

————time skip————

"lux your music is trash" i say speaking my truth

"i agree turn that shit down" freeze joined in

"i'm so offended" lux said back sarcastically holding his heart

"seriously though lux, can we please change it" harry chimed in

"whatever" lux rolled his eyes "who wants aux?"

"dibs" i say grabbing the cord "be ready for your ears to be blessed"

i'm pleased to say everyone enjoyed my music, even lux couldn't be salty about it.

about ten minutes later we arrived at our destination, a nice, fancy looking restaurant, i could see jj, simon, talia and vikk waiting out front. i felt a huge smile creep onto my face as it hit, i was seeing all my old best friends again

i quickly jump out of the car and walk towards everyone

"bailey!!" i hear talia shout

"tals!!" i shout back, the happiest i've been in a long time

talia jumps in my arms

"oh my god i've missed you too much bails!" talia reads my mind

"same here, i never stopped thinking about you guys!" i say with a massive smile plastered across my face

i go hug everyone else and catch up with them, jj pulls me to the side for a seperate chat

"oi bails, you know since i'm a big man boxer now" he says while flexing his arms (classic jj) "if you ever have any trouble with ben, just tell me and i'll fuck him up"

"thank you jj" i say while laughing

"anytime" he says hugging me

soon after ethan shows up, looking much more fit than the last time i seen him

"bailey! it's so good to see you!" he says either a genuine smile "we all missed you so much!"

"behz you look so... different! your fit!" i say hugging him

"yeah the gym really payed off" he said laughing

last to arrive were josh, freya and tobi, when i seen tobi hop out of the car i instantly smiled

"BAILEY!!!" Freya yells running up to me

"oh my god freya!! i missed you too much" i say pulling her into a tight embrace

"i'm so happy you're okay bails, you look great!"

"thank you so much frey, you too"

i say hi to josh and give him a hug, then tobi comes to greet me

"bailey, i'm so happy you're here, i missed you a lot!" he says, tobi has always been my favourite out of the sidemen, don't tell harry that though, me and tobes have just always clicked. i don't know how to explain it.

"you missed me?" i teased causing him to blush, he was so cute "tobes you know i'm joking, give me a hug i missed you too" i laugh

"you look great by the way, i respect the fit" he says while pulling away from the hug

"thank you tobes" i blush "anyways let's go inside, the others are waiting for us"

"lady's first"

————time skip————

i sat with Freya on my right, Talia on my left and Tobi in-front of me. me and the girls were having a well needed catch up, god i missed them.

"i'm off to the bathroom" i said happily

"do you need us to come?" Tals asked

"yes mother, i need you to come" i joke sarcastically "no i'll be alright, thank you though"

this place is so nice  i think to myself trying to find the bathroom

i finish up washing my hands, i look to myself in the mirror and it hits me. this is the first time i've been out without ben in 2 years. next thing, i'm having a panic attack on the bathroom floor, thinking about all the horrible things bens done.

~talias POV~

"she's been in there for ten minute" tobi says "i'm getting worried, someone shoukd go check on her"

me and freya agree getting up from the table. we open the bathroom door and see poor bailey hyperventilating.

"babes are you alright?" freya asks while kneeling down to her

"i-i don't know" bailey says through deep breaths

"oh bailey come on we need to get you out of here" i say, very worried

we get back to the table and tobi and harry instantly stand up with worried expressions on their faces

"bails, holy shit what happened?" harry stresses

"i'm not sure" bailey says weakly

we gather everyone and leave the restaurant

~baileys pov~

i'm so embarrassed walking out of the restaurant with tobis arm around me, comforting me. he's too nice.

"do you want to talk about it bailey?" tobi asks

"i think i need to go home, thank you though tobes" i reply

"if you ever need me, i'm always here when you're ready"

i give him a big hug before jumping in the cab. i can't believe i ruined everyone's night.

we make it back home and i instantly jump in my bed, not even bothering to take off my makeup. i haven't really processed what's happened in the past years of my life, i think it's finally time to do that.

i cry, letting it all out. it's good though, it's what i need, i need ben out of my head, out of my nightmares, out of my life forever. 

harry's sister - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now