Isn't she lovely.

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Kirishima couldn't help but feel excited to go to the mall with deku.

Lately they've been hanging constantly "hey izu!" She frowned hearing Uraraka speak, she knows that she shouldn't hate her for being pretty but he has some sort of envy towards her.

She's so pretty, kirishima could never compare "oh hey.... what's up?" Deku doesn't seem to fancy her though.

"I was wondering if we could hang out? You've been distant lately" kirishima rolled her eyes, there's a reason he's been distant.

"Oh I wish I could but I already made plans" "oh? With who?" "Kirishima" Uraraka pouted her lips "you've been hanging out with him a lot" deku bit down on his tongue.

"Uh yeah we have some things in common" he shrugged "well I have to go I see kirishima" deku smiled tightly walking towards her "um... sorry I didn't mean to-"

Deku grabbed her hand "doesn't matter really she's been bugging me lately"

Kirishima giggled as they walked towards the exit "aizawa said it was okay?" "Yeah he said it was fine as long were back by six pm" "who stays at the mall that long?"

Deku chuckled "you'd be surprised actually, do you know where you wanna go first?" "No.... I've never shopped for me ya know?"

"I understand it took me a bit to be able to shop for myself" kirishima smiled softly "I'm glad you uh.... barged in i feel a lot less alone" she mumbled.

"I still feel bad for not knocking, that wasn't cool of me" deku frowned slightly as kirishima rolled her eyes "i already forgive you so stop feeling bad"

"I don't care if you forgive me I still feel bad" he stuck his tongue at her playfully "okay fine whatever" she rolled her eyes giggling.

"hold on I think someone is texting me" deku spoke as he pulled out his phone "damn it's kacchan" "do we need to go back?" "no! unless you want to?" Deku pouted his lips "of course I don't but i rather you be alive-" "hush I rather be here with you"

Kirishima couldn't help but blush, he probably didn't mean anything by it but for kirishima it meant something.... right?

kacchan: where the fuck are you?

deku: hi kacchan!!! I'm actually out with kirishima sorry i forgot to tell you ):

kacchan: why the fuck are you hanging out with shitty hair?

deku: we uh have things in common? we're just going to the mall haha

kacchan: oh great you're on a fucking date

deku: kacchan be serious

kacchan: i am being serious


deku: i have to go ):< this is not a date

kacchan: right....

deku: UGH

by the time he's done texting him they've reached the mall "okay.... I have no idea where to start" Deku mumbled furrowing his eyebrows "neither do i" she giggled grabbing his hand "let's just go to random stores" kirishima spoke leading the way.

Deku blushes softly as he lacing his fingers with hers "um sounds good" he mumbles out a little grin plastered on his face.

She sighed walking into a random bontique store "um... I don't really look.... uh" "hey I'm right here if anyone says shit okay?" he whispered kissing her cheek softly "okay" he smiles softly giving her hand a squeeze.

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