I want you.

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Just a heads up there's smut (: I do use afab terms for midoriya and afam terms (??) for kirishima.... kinda??? You've been warned!!

Midoriya opened his eyes as the sunlight peeked through the curtains, he smiled softly running his fingers through her red hair.

she was absolutely stunning just the way she was, he sighed getting up from the bed and deciding to go to the kitchen.

he grabbed a cup of water walked back to his room sat down the cup of water on the nightstand and pain killers he leaned down kissing her forehead softly, he decided to make breakfast for her and left the room.

He wasn't sure if she would remember what happened last night since she was pretty drunk, he started making the coffee sighing softly.

Kirishima woke up after a few minutes groaning as she felt her head pounding, she looked over seeing two painkillers and water she sat up took the pills then looked around "damn it" she whispered her eyes widening.

she got up in a hurry imminently regretting it, she slowly walked out of the bedroom and down the hall freezing seeing her ex-boyfriend cooking.

"Midoriya?" She asked tilting her head slightly, he put the stove on low and turned around smiling "hey how's your head?" he asked walking towards her, she stepped back "I think we should have our distance my head is fine"

Midoriya nodded walking back to the stove "um... I'm making breakfast if you want to stay" "I should really go don't want to make your girlfriend jealous" Midoriya rolled his eyes "I'm not with anyone it's for publicity"

Kirishima frowned crossing her arms and leaning against the frame "if you don't want to stay I won't force you but I was hoping we could talk"

"talk about what exactly?" She asked frowning "us?" he sighed turning the stove off "we talked a bit when you were drunk but I don't think you remember much" Kirishima walked over to the island pulling out a chair and sitting down

"what was it?" Midoriya turned around giving her a small smile "about how you miss me" he teased as she rolled her eyes.

"I hate to break it to you but I'm over you Midoriya, you fucking left me you don't just get to come back and try to win me back" Midoriya frowned "oh.." he bit down on his lip "oh no you don't get to be upset you left"

Midoriya looked away "yeah I did... to protect you" "I can protect myself" "I didn't just leave you Kirishima, I left everyone I cared about because I didn't want to lose anyone" "I know-" "you don't fucking understand"

Midoriya turned around tears running down his cheeks "I wanted to be with you but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew shigaraki fucking hurt you" Kirishima eyes widen she has never seen him so upset.

He walked over to her cupping her cheeks "I love you Ei I never stopped and I will never stop loving you" she leaned into his touch "why did you leave... I could've protected myself" "I never wanted to leave you" he pressed a kiss to her forehead softly.

"you're a coward" she rolled her eyes cupping his cheeks pressing her lips against his fluttering her eyes shut.

He moved his lips against hers forgetting about the breakfast he made, he bit down on her lip pulling away as she moaned lowly "take me to the bedroom" she whispered as he smirked slightly "trying to get into my pants huh?"

She giggled her cheeks turning pink "obviously" she mumbles "I guess I made breakfast for no reason" she squealed as he lifted her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck giggling "just take me to bed goof"

He rolled his eyes and walked back to his bedroom kissing her jawline a low moan escaped her lips "izu" she whined as he laid her down pushing her well it was actually his shirt.

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