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I hate when it rains. I quickly got up I am already running late can't afford to miss gym day again, if not weights I can walk on treadmill at very least.

"Give me chocolates right now." Aura murmured in her sleep (ah yesterday's Charlie and the chocolate factory effect)

I laughed , once this girl was talking to the dragons in her dream saying I'm your mother, before that she shouted "Avada kedvra" that was so loud even I woke up thinking there is a death eater in my room.
Thank God she doesn't like horror movies or else it would have been nothing less than a nightmare for me.

I couldn't find my umbrella but gym isn't that far it's just drizzling I won't get wet, I think or atleast i hope so.


"Here you go eat it" Jackson handed me a piece of toast with jam and butter on it and and a huge bowl of muesli with strawberries.

"Dude? I can't eat this much before a workout, you know I will throw up." I looked at him, he is preparing protein shakes now.

"June your last meal was lunch and it's been more than 10 hours since you ate anything, you slept like half an hour this morning!" He said

"I slept for 2 hours." I said defensively

"This is not right routine if you want muscle you need to follow a proper diet and have good sleep pattern or else you will end up weaker than before." He said now shaking his head.

"You sound like my mum Jackson." I said though I'm grateful for how he takes care of me and my health, in a way he really has taken place of my mum since we started college.

"Now !now! mommy is back from holidays and will take care of my lil Jonnie moony, look here comes the aeroplane. " Jackson said in babyish voice while shoving a spoon full of food in my mouth.

"Hyung!!" I said after almost choking on my food "please don't do that again."

- -

Only one side of my headphones was working, first rain then this ughh..

I heard someone laughing loudly at the entrance I peeked at the newcomer. Huh the guy was fit like he could easily be a gym instructor kind of fit, he was talking to someone behind him, June entered after him hmm..so they know each other.

Oh well! why should I care after our last interaction on phone his questioning about Aura piqued my interest which lead me to ask Aura about him.

He was the guy who according to Aura liked her back in high school and she even mentioned him checking her out yesterday.

Aura is more than a friend to me she is my sister from another mister .
I can't let a passing crush come between us even if it is in my imagination shaking these thoughts off my mind,

I looked forward increasing the speed letting my feet set their own rhythm.. Until after 10 minutes someone taps on my shoulder lightly.

~ Jackson ~

This girl will fall badly! I can see her  running on treadmill with her shoe lace untied.
I have to do something so after  5 minutes I decided to tell her, I tapped on her shoulder lightly she came to halt suddenly but without turning the maching off. Almost getting her face smacked on the machine but thanks to my reflexes I caught her in time.

"What the what?" She looked so confused tucking her now disheveled bangs behind her small ears.

This was the first time I looked at her face, plump lips, doe eyes, pink cheeks with freckles , she has a mole near her bottom lip nice!!!

"Are you okay, I'm sorry I didn't know you would get startled like that." I said still holding her waist.

"I'm okay." She said now pushing my hands away from her waist "why were you?... "

Before she could say anything I blurted out "your shoe lace, I thought you would fall. " I went on one knee and started tying her lace what in the world is wrong with me she will definitely think I'm a pervert now, someone stop me!

" You have a small bald spot right there." She said pointing at middle of my head and suddenly realising what she blurted out covered her mouth as her eyes went as big as a saucer.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. "

"Chill no big deal it was always there and I'm not overly attached to my hair anyway." Trying to make her feel at ease in reality I'm crying internally.
I will have to ask June to see how big that spot is.

"I am Jackson." I said and I bowed like a prince when did I started doing that??

"I am April, thank you for tying my shoe lace and catching me Or I would have knocked my front teeth off." She said smiling and pointing at her front teeth She has bunny teeth too!! Is she trying to kill me?

"Wait are you June's April. " She scrunched her nose at that
" I mean are you the girl who found June's diary? Wait you never met him right?"

" June! " "June! " I called his name he was on the other end of hall.


I saw Jackson holding a girl, just 2 minutes later he was on his knee what is happening there? I just went to the other side of the room to call April and this Guy became a k-Drama lead.

"June" "June" I heard him calling me.
As I got closer I could see the girl he was talking to. She was shorter than me could easily hear my heart beat if I hugged her. What where did that thought came from?" Would she stand on her toes to kiss me Or do I have to lift her?"
What the hell shut the fuck up brain! These intrusive thoughts..June get a grip on yourself.

I snapped my fingers twice because well compulsion disguised as coping mechanism. What is the trigger here, I thought I had it in control for almost 2 years now Huh..

"June meet April; April June. " Jackson said he looked more cheerful then his usual.

"Hey hi, I was just calling you where is your phone? " I asked as I was calling her for past 10 minutes and everytime I reached to her voice mail.

"I have my phone right here and it didn't ring once? " She said showing her phone and then looking at the screen.

"Oh I see, I brought my roommate's phone by mistake."

"How are you feeling now? And thank you so much for keeping my diary safe." I said looking at her, how on the earth I never noticed her before in the gym, she is so cute.

"It was nothing, no big deal. " She said calmly.
"June and I are roomate. We were going to have a pizza party tonight. You can come. " Jackson said looking at her in a weird way and what pizza party is he taking about?

"Who else is coming? " April asked

"Nobody just me and June it is more like our weekend ritual right june?" He winked at me.

"It is? " He winked again "it is!! You can bring Aura too if you want. " I said she would be more comfortable with Aura there I thought.

"Sure I will bring "Aura" with me But where and by what time because I have to confirm with "Aura" too if she is free tonight." April said now completely looking in Jackson's direction.

"I will text you that, but I don't have your number? " Jackson smoothly

"blink Jackson blink" I thought you will get dry eyes now.

They exchanged the numbers and we resumed our routine exercises.

"Hyung! Tell me something did you think April was lowkey pissed at me?" "Did I say something wrong, or because she read my diary the stuff I wrote in it? " I asked looking at Jackson

"April is a nice name isn't it? " Jackson said now smiling to himself  watching her go..
"you were saying something? " he asked looking at me in confusion.

I shook my head in no.

I knew in that very moment "You" Miss April are going to cause trouble for "us".

Little did i know (Part-1)Where stories live. Discover now