you snooze you loose

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Jackson was flirting with me non-stop and from corner of my eyes I could see June fuming. I don't understand why would he be affected by this isn't he into Aura?

I don't understand, my best foot forward is to ignore him why wouldn't I? He made it easier for me by his snippy comments earlier. He is too uptight for me beside he doesn't even like me! I have already wasted a month crushing over him and I would be lying if i say a part of me was little jealous and angry every time he asked for Aura.

That little part in me was enjoying hurting him was ready to fight with him does that make me a bad person? But as soon as he started to leave I couldn't help myself my bruised ego was ready to attack him with a quirky remark. As soon he got closer to the door and our eyes met I could see hurt in his eyes may be  I did crossed a line may be i am a crappy guest?

I grabbed his wrist to stop him, he was taken aback by this. God I was enjoying the the thread of lies he was spinning just to get out of there, until his tummy growled out loud. As soon as he turned red i knew I was going to enjoy making him uncomfortable every now and then does that make me a sadist?

Am I the one here pulling pigtails for attention? Naah i like to see him blush that's all it was. I realised I was now holding his wrist with both my hands even my body was reacting unconsciously to this blushing cutie.

Should I give this a try? So what if he doesn't like me in that way I can still be friends with him right?
It never harms to have a cute friend right? I giggled to myself

"Huh?" June asked now he looked less angry and a bit confused.

I looked at him

"Nothing you look cute when you blush." I said without any hesitation now playing with his kaws collectibles.

I know he is looking at me in disbelief trust me even I don't know which personality of mine has just taken over me but God I am enjoying every bit of it.

"Mm guys? ... I have to leave, I..." Jackson was ruffling his hair he looks frustrated. "I'm sorry April but if it wasn't urgent i wouldn't leave you like this." He was looking at me like a lost puppy

"Hey don't worry about me but are you okay?" I looked at him

"Yeah!" He looked a bit disappointed at my response, what else am I suppose to say?
" I will come back tomorrow." He said to June
"What happened?" June looked
"It's Ana!" Jackson said a look passed between them and Jackson left leaving June and I alone.

I decided to explore the room because well I'm nosy and this room was filled with books until I found the one I was looking for

"Wow!" I exclaimed after seeing the content, I'm thoroughly going to enjoy teasing June...

-June -

As I was taking the pizza delivery i heard April say a word for the first time in fifteen minutes.

After Jackson left in a hurry she just got up and started looking around the room not touching anything but observing if I have learnt anything about her in last fifteen minutes it is that she chuckles to herself, she can stay quiet for a long time and She can solve Rubik cube faster than me.
For some weird reason I didn't find the silence awkward rather I enjoyed observing her.
Her little nose scrunches, little head shakes, I want to hear the conversation she was having with herself.

After placing the pizza on the table I looked at the source of her amusement she was now scanning through some magzine, as I went closer I was horrified she was holding a Playboy!

She looked at me now clearly amused.
" Juniper, explain this!!" she chuckled so hard while pointing at one of the pictures.

Why just why out of all ten playboy's she picked this one, I sat on my bean bag now crouching burying my face in my hands, why today things are  getting more and more embarrassing for me?

Little did i know (Part-1)Where stories live. Discover now