Early bird catches the worm

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As soon as there was a knock on the door Jackson lunged to open it.

"Hi, "wow" I mean hello. " He said I snickered "smooth hyung smooth...." but then his mouth was open for a whole minute I swear a fly can claim it's residence in there now, but then I looked at the entrance well! Well! That fly is a rich guy, now it has two residence because as soon as I looked at her my jaw hit the floor.

"You look beautiful April. " Jackson said now staring at her.

"Thanks?" She said now her ears are turning red

"Hi April ! wow we were just having a pizza here aren't you overdressed for that. " It slipped my tongue even before my brain could filter it shit! Why am I spitting venom?

"Sarcastic much, what's wrong with my clothes care to elaborate? " She said with her eyebrow arched and  making direct eye contact with me.

My heart stopped, God I would be lying if I say I am not enjoying that pissed off look on her face, she looks so hot. I am so turned on right now. what kind of a pervert am I becoming?

"Sorry it came out wrong I mean you would have been more comfortable in casual clothes that's all. " I said trying my best to defend myself now.

"Is that so? Should I go back and change because you know my comfort level better than me it seems" She said now her nostrils were flaring.

"He is an idiot April he never thinks before he speaks anyways I invited you not him so you can wear whatever you want." Jackson clearly trying to calm her down while giving me death stares.

Her entire attention was diverted to Jackson as she heard that did I just saw a small smile on her face.

She made her way inside the room and sat on my study table's chair and looked around.

"I thought a guy's room is supposed to be messy? " She said clearly impressed by the cleanliness and aesthetics.

"Falling into stereotypes are we? Sorry to disappoint you then" Jackson said now smiling and sat on the only other chair in the room.

"Oh man so i won't be stealing any nude magazine today, I see" She said feigning disappointment.

"We are dignified young man lady! our eyes are holier than thou" Jackson said Then he added fake whisper "top shelf to your right"  while winking at her.

I don't like this whatever this is, I should say something..

"Why didn't Aura come? " I interjected clearly pissing Jackson off but I don't care I don't want to be a third wheel here.

"I don't know but you're free to call her and ask her why." April said nonchalantly without even looking at me she was now busy playing with the unsolved Rubik's cube on my desk.

I felt unwanted in my own room. I don't have to take this, if they don't want me here I can leave them alone I raised from the bean bag I was sitting on to leave the room.

As I was walking towards the door April hold my wrist without even moving from her chair, she wasn't even looking at me.
Slowly she lifted her head from the cube which was solved now, looking directly at me..

"Where are you going? " She asked still holding my wrist.
"I am not hungry anymore, you two eat I will go for a walk." As I said this my stomach betrayed me with the loudest growl ever..

"Your stomach is saying otherwise." She said Looking at me now trying hard not to smile.

"Yeah I will eat something on my way." I was turning red now man she isn't letting my wrist go and the way she was looking at me was too much for me.

I was leaving her alone with Jackson isn't that what she wants? why am I getting emotional over this why do I want to go outside and cry.

"Stay." She said now holding my wrist with both hands we looked at each other.

"Hmph" A Sound came
We both looked at Jackson

"Should we order pizza now if June is done with his tantrum?" He said looking pointedly at me.

"I want Hawaiian pizza? What about you June?" She said now smiling at me and still holding my wrist with both hands.

" Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and a diet coke." I said looking at Jackson.

He was already searching for his phone to order.

"Okay! Do you want something else April?" He asked her as if he didn't hear my order, she shook her head.
"Alright" He was now calling pizza place and was placing our orders while looking outside the window.

At some point April let go off me  and I sat on the chair looking at her

Suddenly, she laughed to herself.

"Huh? " I looked at her

"Nothing you look cute when you blush" She said shaking her head while playing with the kaws figures on my table.

To be honest I blushed even more. I looked at her twice was I hearing things did she really said that..

Little did i know (Part-1)Where stories live. Discover now