4: Vamps taste like pennies

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Brenda shifts back into her original self amiss the chaos, "Vampires?"

"Vampires," I sneer as the cafeteria devolves into havoc, "Those blood-sucking bastards."

Mega hot jocks screaming like little girls, bratty cheerleaders crying harder than Bambi after his mother died, and the normally expressionless emos blasting 'let the bodies hit the floor' with looks of contentment on their faces.

Brenda taps my shoulder. "Look, it's the Greek god guy!"

My hair flows elegantly like ribbons in the wind as I whip my head around, then It's as if everything is in slow motion. Brett— my mate, meets is meeting gaze, striding towards me glistened with sweat, radiating like a thousand suns.

It's beautiful sight. Enough so that I've decided to forgive him for his previous outburst— just this once.

"BACK AWAY, BRENDA!" He shouts in a deep growl, flickering his scorching red orbs towards my friend.

Brenda digs into her front pockets, "1980 SKITTLES!" She throws the rainbow colored candies into the air in an attempt to flee during its downfall.

Brett shoves her to the ground.

I gasp, "Brett, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You're my mate. This is what I'm supposed to do to anyone in close proximity to you."

I shake my head. "Wow... so I guess you really are the bad and dangerous Alpha King God Beast."

"Wait," he quiets his voice to a whisper, "how did you know that?"

I sigh, lovingly. "Someone as remarkable as you, babe, I guess it was obvious."

It's no secret that everyone in the know has heard of the one and only feared Alpha King God Beast. Rumors say he killed his father and twenty-nine brothers to secure his family's throne.

Another rumor says that when his wolf's fur sheds it turns into gold.

Amazing. Who knew someone so mysterious and interesting was here all along attending this entirely ordinary high school.

Chad Jefferson pops out of nowhere like some kind of a creature in the night and helps Brenda back to her feet. "Come on guys, we gotta dip!"

The teachers join the wailing students running full speed towards the exit.

Hissing, shrieking bats, swishing cloaks.

Vampires are in the cafeteria.

Right now.

And they are very, very thirsty.

"Lydia! Help!"

"Shut up, Brenda. Can't you see vampires are currently kicking our asses?" I throw a left hook towards the lunging pasty fanged figure.

"Lydia, you dumb bitch. Turn into your wolf form, I'm ready to go!"

"You shut up too, Wolfinia," I chastise my wolf in my head, "Go back to being non existent!"

Brett uppercuts another blood thirsty monster then joins my side. "Cupcake, you gotta change into your wolf form, NOW," His orbs glitter a sunset orange and yellow mixture— he's about to switch.

"Do it, do it, do it," Wolfinia chants.

"Okay, fine, whatever!" I begrudgingly transform into my wolf. She has a white coat with tiny specks of sparkles like pure snow. It's pretty rare to have a completely white coat. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the only white wolf, like, ever.

Wolfinia whistles, "Yes, let's f*ck some shit up!"

I grumble in agreement.

Brett switches into his other self with lightning speed. His wolf is muscular with a long and thick grey spotted coat that shimmers the finest of silver in the light.

"Pop rocks, somebody grab my 1999 pop rocks! Lydia!"

Brenda struggles to reach for her backpack as a vampire who looks a lot like hot Chad Jefferson holds her wrists and pins her against a a wall, leaning towards the crook of her neck.

"... Chad?" Brett barks.

The vampire turns around, or should I say, Chad Jefferson turns around.

Dun dun dun?

Chad is a hot vampire?

Well. This just got complicated.

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