7: Big descions

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Brett yells in anguish, cradling Skylar's corpse, as his tears drip onto her lifeless face.

What the hell.

Is he... really mourning the skank? Have they perhaps been intimate before? She's dead. Her life as irrelevant now as it was before her demise. Brett has a promiscuous past, yes, that much I figured, but he had... standards.

... right?

My stomach churns.

He gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, then makes two fingers and shuts her orb-lids. Carefully, he lays her down to rest, bidding farewell with a sweltering kiss on the top of her ice cold hand.

I hurl.

His orbs burn with fire, he returns to his feet. " I WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU."

Vampires begin to surround him, sharks hungrily smelling fresh blood.

ohhh Lydiaaa, Wolfinia sings.

What is it? Now's not the time.

Wouldn't it feel so good right now to... I don't know... lose control?

What do you mean?

Just think about it. Sinking your canines into some monsters without the slightest ounce of care, simply reveling in the bloodshed. Engaging in a little sacrilege by clawing at that man-stealer's face until she's unrecognizable.

No, you've lost it. This isn't who we are.

Oh, Lydia, let's be f*cking real. Wolfinia manifests in my mind's orb, her furry cheeks hollowed in as she takes a fat drag from a cigar. You've wanted me to take full control since you woke up this morning and couldn't decide on an outfit you liked. So come on, let me have some fun, with no holding back.

"Begone, demon!" I say, swatting in front of my face.

"Lydia! Help, I'm running out of candy!" Brenda yells, double wielding two Pez dispensers. Vampires are closing in around her from all sides.

"I HATE YOU ALL!" Brett roars, extending his nails into claws and slicing monster after monster— but there's too many.

Oh no. I won't be able to get to both of them in time.

So, I guess this is it, huh.

I have to make a decision.

Who will I aid?

My boring, loner, redhead, Irish, shapeshifter best friend? Or my mate, the sexy Alpha King God Beast?

Brenda is closer in distance to me, and right now, my heart is broken in two because of Brett. In fact, I've never felt so much rage in life.

Minutes after we locked orbs I even threatened to reject him. And moments ago, his actions yet again almost caused me to do some things I'd might come later to regret.

On paper, we look hopeless. A fluke of the Moon Goddess, a completely incompatible paring.

But maybe.

Just maybe.

My true love for him will prevail.

My mate, my love, my divine life partner, my rock.

I sprint so fast towards him that dust kicks my trails and lands onto Brenda.

Cinematic, orchestral music plays in my head. A glorious, toothy smile spreads across my lips. Angels sing. Tears fling from my orbs from the shear momentum. Here I come, babe.

"Shite in a bucket!" A faint voice shouts.

I'm stopped in my tracks by the sounds of gagging vampires, as they all cover their mouths and pinch their noses, scattering like rats out of the school.

Who could be our savior?

Behind me.

Behold, the source of the enemy's discomfort.

On the cafeteria floor lies a single, untouched head of garlic, that definitely wasn't there before. Where's Brenda?


Could it be?

I poke the garlic. "... Brenda?"

What did you think of this chapter?? What do you think of Lydia rn ??? Tell me in the comments! ❤️✨

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