19: Coup de grâce

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A/N: Make sure to like and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! It helps support me as an author and this story

Then, poof.

Abracadabra, alakazam.

The demolition of the garden comes to a sudden stop.

And I become aware that at some point I must've cowered all the way to the ground, as painfully evident by my clenched nether cheeks, a fistful of grass, and sore dirt covered knees.

Like a glue feign that's discovered a new toxin, I peel my face out from behind my arm and inhale the tantalizing musk once more.

The flowers... unscathed.

The greenery flourishes. The birds chirp a happy tune. A monarch butterfly lands on my head. A squirrel offers me an acorn.

All that's missing is Snow White and her seven dwarfs.

No... but I swear, just a moment ago...

Had it even happened at all?

Had the whole ordeal been one big hallucination?

My arms fall limply at my sides. I slump back on my heels. A sparrow high up in a tree feeds a defenseless worm to its young. I glide my fingertips down my numb, tingly face, tracing phantoms of the whipping winds.

Yes, yes it had been real.

So get yourself together, Lydia, what happened to your fairy? Um, your last chance at happiness?!

Rustling catches my attention, and I whip my head to the source, a small rabbit. It scurries along a person's feet.

A person.

Hold on...

a tall...

purple cloaked-

"Perhaps barring my original form can mend the gap between us." The person slowly pulls back their hood with their large manicured hands.

The angry clouds split apart and a heavenly light beams down from above them... from this being- my fairy- wait, no, this god this... this man?

Toned, slender frame. A glimmering complexion. Soft, icy hair that cascades their narrow shoulders like snow down the peaks of mountains. Smooth porcelain skin. Emerald orbs neatly smudged with coal.

No... way.

"Fairy... is it you? You- you're—!"

"A man I suppose, perhaps, yes," a small smile pulls at the corners of their pillowy, blushed lips, "but still your fairy." Their silvery, liquid voice conjures a thousand flutters in my heart as they come closer, with delicate steps as if they still float.

They outstretch a hand to me before drawing back, instead, cowering down to my level. After a sigh, they flash their angular jaw and scratch the back of their neck, their orbs cast to the shadows. "Though, I understand that this form is no less hideous than my previous one..."


"But, dear Lydia, let me into your heart. Allow me this once to hold your hand through these strenuous times." Their orbs plead with a thousand megawatt twinkle as they reach down and interlock my cold, slack hands with their warm strong
ones. "It's all I ask as your fairy godmother."

I blink.


What am I agreeing to?

Don't know.

What did they say?

Don't remember.

I barely remember how to breathe with the man of my dreams right in front of me.

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