14: Mushy candy

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Life update: still shit.

Sure, Brett's glorious mansion— pack den— or whatever you wanna call is nice and all... but I can't stop imagining it... picturing it in my mind.

Brenda and Chad just going at it all night long in one of these rooms last year.

It's terrifying that I don't even know which one it was. It keeps me up at night. I wake up in a cold sweat sometimes. This place has been desecrated by the betrayals of my bestie and the seed of my vampire enemy.

Laughably, that Halloween night had been but a drunken blur to me all but forgotten long ago, if it hadn't resulted in me becoming a viral meme for the remainder of that year.

Just how will this cursed place ever become my new home?

My orbs follow along the tubes connecting back to Brenda. I tap her IV fluid bag, pull a linen blanket up her small garlic body, then scowl at the useless beeping heart monitor.

Oh, yeah.

Brett's oversized kitchen pantry's been converted into an ICU.

Todd bends over the back of the luxurious white, tufted, faux leather sofa and groans, rolling his orbs to ceiling. "Ugh, how much longer is mom going to be in a coma?"

My bones crackle and pop as I crane my head away from Brenda and send him a glare.

Todd turns himself right side up. "What? I just... miss her," he pouts, staring at his mother's mushy, melted Hershey's kiss tear in the palm of his hand he's hardly let go of.

Brett stretches, leaning himself off of a giant marble statue of himself by the mansion's entrance, then makes his way towards me. "He has a point, ya know. It's been three days now and she hasn't turned back into herself. How long will she be like this?"

Todd timidly approaches his Mother's bedside.

I pull a chair beside them and pick a book off the nightstand. "Well, according to this book, 'Shapeshifter's 101,' a shapeshifter should not shape shift themselves into inanimate objects. It also says that there should be at least an hour waiting period inbetween shifts."

The events with Brenda from three days ago presents as a montage in my mind, with fun, wholesome music playing softly in the background— to represent the better times.

She showed me a new expired candy. We ogled at Brett together. She ogled a little too much. I considered killing her. I told her my true nature, then she revealed to me hers. I was shook.

Then, vampires attacked our school. She told us she had a kid. I was shocked once more.

The vampire invasion advanced as they managed to corner her, ready to sink their teeth into her flesh. So, as a last ditch effort, she saves herself and the others remaining by transforming herself into a garlic.

This all happened within an hour.

I sigh.

My lips spread into a thin line and I lower my head, gently closing the book in my lap. "Guys... I think she might be dead."

Brett drops to his knee and grabs onto the end of the hospital bed. Broken sobs escape from his hoarse but still sexy voice. "I am worthless..."

Bubbles of snot and spit leak from Todd as he face plants onto the side of the bed, muffling his cries.

Brett hangs his head low and pats Todd's back, sniffling. "I've failed you, boy."

"Alpha King God Beast, the scouts have returned," one of the pack's Omegas says, presenting himself in front of the pantry, tall and well groomed.

Me and the Omega both glance to Brett mumbling to himself, then back at each other.

I take a deep breath, wipe my remaining tears, then rise from my chair. "Bring them in."

The Omega bows. "Yes, Queen Luna."

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