CH 10

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I woke up because of my alarm since I have to go to university today I have to wake up early too.

I got up from my bed and got inside bathroom to do my morning routine and get ready. After I was done with showering and everything I wore my uniform.
After I was ready I got out of my room to cook breakfast for them before I leave I checked Taehyung's room they were still here so let's cook food.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast while listening to songs when I heard someone coming down stairs I looked behind me to see Taehyung entering kitchen with Jin.

Jin: y/n-ah good morning you made breakfast wow thank you.

Taehyung: you're going somewhere??

Y/N: umm yes university.

Jin: you're still a student wow I thought you were somewhere near Jungkook's age.

Y/N: nah I'm kinda young I am not that old.

Taehyung: oh..? How old are you?

Y/N: 19, why?

Taehyung: you're a cute baby.

He gave me a pat on my head.

Well after that, Jin oppa helped me making breakfast and Taehyung oppa just sat there looking at MEE??????

By the time breakfast was done I served it for both of them it was still early so jin oppa told us to not wake others right now because they get all grumpy and complain about how early you made them get up.

Well as childish as it sounds it's cute, think about these grown scary looking men whinning about waking up early, hehe so cute.

Taehyung: I am in love with the food you make.

Y/N: thank you.

I said with a big smile because I love cooking and I love it when someone compliments the dishes I made with efforts for them.

Jin: y/n-ah you're stealing my babies.

This made me laugh so hard, imagine calling Taehyung oppa a baby- like BABY, this man with his straight face could scare off anyone and Jin oppa is calling this scary face baby.

Y/N: oh no no, you can keep your babies I don't want them.

I replied to his comment which somehow made him laugh so hard- and.. I know I shouldn't say this, but the way he laughs is so cute and funny.

Y/N: maybe make something for me someday so I know why 'your babies' love you so much.

I smiled at him.

Taehyung: who loves him? Eh ew. You mean the food he makes right?

He says with a disgusted face, that clearly seems like he is just playing around.


And with this... These grown adults who look like they are atleast 30 started chasing each other in this room.

Jin: you don't love me you ungrateful brat I did so much for you and here you are saying no one loves me???

I was laughing so hard at them and taehyung oppa was laughing while running away from him and Jin oppa was scolding him while chasing him I just kept laughing I've never felt like this before this feels like HOME.

Not trying be emotional but a house full of people is actually so amazing, I've lived alone most of my life, or the other times with oppa- but he was busy most of the times... I love him but I guess I've always wanted to have mother and father, maybe some younger sibling too so I could stick to them all the time and never let them feel lonely ever.

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