CH 38

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After great difficulty i was somehow able to bath with help of Lisa obviously. My body hurts less now since i took a very warm relaxing bath, but it still hurts sometimes.

Lisa: the girls would be coming soon they texted me they're almost here.

Y/N: where were they gone?

Lisa: umm.. some buisness were to be taken care of so we went instead of your oppas, they stayed here with you all of the time.

Y/N: wow! Never felt that special.

i jokingly said to Lisa.

Jisoo: y/n-ah!!!

I heard jisoo's panting voice.

Y/N: Jisoo, Rose, Jennie everyone.

I felt emotional after seeing them after so long. I was about to cry but Jisoo hugged me.

Jisoo: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry i failed to protect you.

I knew what she meant and why she meant but it's okay i was never angry at anyone it was my fault.

Y/N: it's okay no one has to apologise about anything, i should be sorry to get all of you in trouble.

Rosé: what trouble, it was our responsibility to bring you back here, you don't know what was boss's attitude for these 2 months.

Jennie: oh yeah, he always stayed angry and was always desperate to go and save you. He started drinking too much too. I just want to tell you this since i know you care about all this.

Y/N: wait 2 mont-? Drinking!!!?? Wait this is too much for one time.

Yoongi: his health has not been that good these months and yes it's been 2 and a half month i guess i know Mark told you lies but that's not it, we always tried to track you trust me, we never gave up.

Y/N: oppa.....

I didn't know what to say, i feel really good knowing all of these people are here for me, i am very thankful of them because of them I'm here and not rotting in that basement.

Yoongi: and about drinking you yourself talk to Taehyung about it.

Y/N: uh yeah okay i will, don't worry.

I said and sweetly smiled at him and he returned it back.

Yoongi: okay would you like to eat here? Or would you like to go to the dinning room.

Y/N: dinning room, i want to eat with everyone and Anna especially how is she?

Yoongi: come on you can ask her yourself.

Yoongi oppa said and came to me helping me to stand up.

Yoongi: are you feeling good? Can you walk or should i pick you up?

Y/N: no no i can walk you're old what if you break your backbone.

I heard Lisa laugh from behind and yoongi oppa was glaring at both of us.

Yoongi: yah kid don't question my strength.

Y/N: okay okay but really i think i can walk.

I said and started to slowly walk forward and even if it was hurting a little i was able to atleast cross the door.

I giggled when i heard Rose say.

Rosé: wow you see y/n can do anything she wants.

Yoongi: okay lets go.

And like this with the help of yoongi oppa i was able to get to the dinning room where everyone was.

Taehyung: oh y/n come sit here.

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