CH 47

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Author's POV

Y/N got up on the bed with a jerk while breathing heavily, she had a nightmare a very bad nightmare.

She took deep breaths calming herself and kept repeating that everything is okay and that she is safe, in her mind She tried to grab her water bottle that is always there on the side table.
But it wasn't there, she sighed and thought that she might've forgotten it yesterday before sleeping then she got down from the bed and looked at the marble floor which was different than her own room.

In panic she looked around here and there and gasped when she noticed she was not in her room but Taehyung's.

She frowned and thought if leaving Taehyung's mansion was a dream as well, but then she looked at herself all her clothes changed and her wrists had purple bruises.

She ran towards the mirror that was in the room and gasped when she looked at her body, her eyes became teary and she fell on the ground while crying.

Y/N: i-it.... It w-wasn't a d-dre-dream? No no no no way NOO!!

Y/N started crying badly she tried to get up but she couldn't, now she started remembering everything thing, every little detail of what happened.

How Mark drugged Jungkook and took her to some room and.....
and he tried to r-rape her.

She also remembers how if Taehyung was one second late what could've happened? She wants to go check up on Jungkook and cry in his arms but she can't even manage to stand up in this vulnerable state of hers.

Soon by hearing y/n's crying noises everybody gathered in Taehyung's room and saw y/n sitting in front of the mirror crying while hugging her knees.

Taehyung: Y/N!!!?

Taehyung shouted worriedly and ran to y/n taking her in his arms,

Taehyung: y/n baby please don't cry, my princess everything is fine. Please don't cry my love.

He kept repeating sweet words again and again while patting y/n's back, his heart clenched while watching the scene of y/n crying in his arms.

He can't see y/n cry but he is the reason for her tears, because of him all this happened. Whom should he blame for the tears now?

Jungkook: y/nie what happened?

Y/N: o-oppa?

She hiccups and turns around to look at Jungkook who was sitting behind her rubbing her back next to him was Yoongi looking at her with a worried face, his eyes showed hesitation and confusion about what should he do in a situation like this.

The others were standing behind both of them just looking at y/n's crying figure with concern-filled eyes.

Now y/n turned around and hugged Jungkook tightly and after some time she pulled away and started examining his arms and face and every body part for even the slightest amount of bruise or a scratch while continuously repeating "You didn't get hurt right oppa? You're fine right?" in panic.

Jungkook: calm down, calm down I am fine, totally fine see.

He said holding y/n's hands in his and comforting her.

Jungkook: get up now don't sit on the floor.

He helped her to stand up and picked her up, taking her to the bathroom to wash her face.

Taehyung just sat there looking at both of them and glaring at Jungkook, even if he doesn't want to but still he is feeling jealous of Jungkook that he got to hold her.

"is y/n still mad at me? Does she know that all of that was caused by me ?.... No way..."

Jin: she might not be mad at you it might just be because she is not in the right state right now, you should understand what she just went through....... because of you.

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