CH 26

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Taehyung's POV

I am on my way back home where y/n is waiting for me. It is currently
10:47 pm, I've been out the whole day
my princess must be waiting for me.

Soon i reached my mansion, eager to be with my y/n again i got out of the car almost immediately after i reached the gate and told my gaurd to park the car.

I went inside the house and saw y/n coming down the stairs, she must've seen me coming back home. This thought makes me smile because it confirms y/n wants to be with me all the time as much as i want to be her.

Y/N goes towards the couch and sits there, patting the space next to her on the couch indicating me to sit there.

Taehyung: hey princess, did you had your dinner?

Loosening my tie up a bit I sat down next to her.

Y/N: Nah i was waiting so we can eat dinner together.

She says looking at me with a wide smile and i can't help but smile back at her cuteness too.

I really love this, and i wanted nothing more than this in my life.

Taehyung: but you should have your meals on time i might be late in future too, so if i am not home by 10 or something you will eat dinner and go to bed, okay?

Y/N: ok ok now let's go eat something.

Taehyung: dinner is ready?

Y/N: hmm, Anna made it a while ago but i didn't eat as i said i was waiting for you.

Taehyung: okay let's go.

I say to y/n taking her hand in mine and taking her to the kitchen as if she doesn't know where it is.

Y/N: i know where the kitchen is.

Taehyung: yes but do you have a problem with this.

I asked stoping and raising our joined hands.

Y/N: n-no.

I left her hand and got towards the dining table siting on my chair,
y/n runs towards the table too sitting on the chair next to mine.

Y/N: are you mad at me just because of that? I am sorry okay sorrryyyyyyy.

I don't know if I'm mad or not but seeing her asking of forgiveness makes me hard even though she's acting extra cute right now i can't help it.

Taehyung: eat your food.

I said to her not focusing on her words or that pout on her face because if i do so i wouldn't be able to control myself.

Y/N: heyy!?

Taehyung: hmm?

Y/N: dont be mad talk to me i didn't even do anything wrong.

Gosh I'm not even mad but she's extra cute when she's desperate for my attention.

I think i should keep teasing her like this.

Taehyung: I'm not mad.

I said shortly but coldly to her, ahh i don't like being cold towards her but this is fun.

Leaving my thoughts i started eating food not looking at y/n, when she didn't say anything for a while i looked up at her again but what i saw made me shocked and my heart break.

Y/N was actually crying while looking down at her lap and her food was still untouched.

I quickly went towards her picking her up in my embrace hugging her tightly, she wrapped her legs around my waist crying on my shoulder like a baby.

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