CH 39

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I groaned and opened my eyes when i felt bright rays of the sun hitting my face.

I turned around away from the rays and opened my eyes too see the prettiest face god has ever made.

I smiled looking at Taehyung sleeping next to me, i just feel loved, all of the things everyone had did for me since yesterday it makes me feel wanted. It feels like i was not actually a burden on them, Jungkook oppa was crying after the dinner telling me how he felt when i was not here, lisa, rosé, jennie and jisoo all of them helped me alot from wearing clothes to cleaning and showering, they told me that everyone was searching for me everywhere possible.

You know na you only realise the value of things when you loose them. I guess i started forgetting the value of things i had, the luxury of the life i was living some months ago has the ability to make me forget who i was, kindness is the most important thing a person should have.

What if because of this huge house and neverending money of my brother and to-be-boyfriend (or he could be something else too since Taehyung is unpredictable.) made me forget how to be kind to others and i turned into those wifes of politicians and actors who are rich because of their husband and act rude to everyone thinking they are not on the same level as hers.

But i am sure i am never going to be
Anything like that, my oppa didn't raise me to behave like that.

My eyes suddenly fell on the wall clock which says it was 7:36 already, i should get up, last night i planned to make today's breakfast before sleeping.

I sighed and looked at Taehyung.... This man has a tight grip around my waist and he threw his extra heavy muscular legs on top of mine.

How am i going to get up? I complained to myself making an angry face, but when you are staring at Taehyung oppa you can't help but smile, he looked so cute, i smiled looking at his cute pout.

He looked so peaceful, so pretty and calm while sleeping, i went closer to his face and kissed the moles on his face.
I giggled when he whined in sleep,
Who thought this man could act this much cute.

Y/N: Taehyung oppa....

I thought i should wake him up now.

Y/N: Taehyung oppa!!! Wake up.

Taehyung: hmm...

Y/N: get up we have to shower and also i wanted to make breakfast for everyone.

Taehyung: no! You are not doing anything you need rest.

He said suddenly fully awake and demanding in his deep morning voice.

Y/N: but I really wanted to.....

Taehyung: *sighs* y/n baby look I'm sorry for saying no like that but you need to understand the situation, you should rest for a few days and then you can do whatever you want i promise.

His voice was so calming right now i know he is not lying i actually do need some time to adjust to this environment and food.

I just nodded my head in agreement but still hoping for him to say he'll allow me.

I remember last night i had to vomit everything i ate because it was too much for my body, my body just rejected the food i consumed and after that i started feeling suffocated and felt like passing out so Taehyung oppa took me to the balcony where both of us sat and after that i actually started feeling better.

Taehyung: good girl, thank you for understanding now come on let's sleep more.

He said and put my head on his chest and re-adjusted his grip on my waist and then quickly went to sleep not even seconds later.

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