Starting Point: Meet Princess Mia

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⚠️ BEFORE YOU START READING - this is my rewrite of the Lion Guard I grew up with this amazing spin-off series and always enjoyed it until season 3 came out the first half was OK but the second half was awful yeah I said it I'm sorry if you're a fan of Rani x Kion but to me, I feel like they were terrible Rani was a bitch to him, and Guard, and the only reason she got with him for his roar and only thought about what could do for her and tree of life since she is now the Queen. So in light of that, I created Princess Mia around the ending of Lion Guard in 2019/2020 This is her book/movie debut I hope you enjoy 😁💕

Meet Princess Mia of the Backlands

Other names - cutie, Princess, Pretty Princess, Princesa, Pretty Girl, Purple Eyes, freak, Kion's Girlfriend, fearless, Queen Mia

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Other names - cutie, Princess, Pretty Princess, Princesa, Pretty Girl, Purple Eyes, freak, Kion's Girlfriend, fearless, Queen Mia

Occupation - Crown Princess of the BackLands (formerly season 1-2 and 1/2 of season 3), Member of the Lion Guard, Queen of the BackLands

Affiliations - Backlanders (formerly)
Lion Guard,

Home - The BackLands (birthplace) Outlands (occasionally)
The Pride Lands (formerly resident)

Likes - Music, Stars, The moon, flowers, Kion, The Pride Lands, her friends, hunting, her parents, being alone with Kion, hanging out with Kovu, racing, her family (occasionally) berries,

Dislikes - feeling alone, feeling like an outcast or like she doesn't belong, getting dirty, mud, bugs, water (sometimes), being bossed around (especially by males), arguing with Kion, Bunga (sometimes), Kion's stubbornness, lies, and secrets, Rani

Parents/family - Adira (mother)
                          Hakim (father)
                             Zira (aunt)
                             Nuka (cousin)
                             Vitani (cousin)
                              Kovu (cousin)

Other Relatives
Rani (ex-best friend)
Bunga (adoptive uncle-in-law)
Simba (father-in-law)
Nala (mother-in-law)
Vitani and Kiara (sisters-in-law by marriage)
Kopa and Kovu (brothers-in-law by marriage)
Mufasa and Nala's Father (grandfathers-in-law)
Sarabi and Sarafina (grandmothers-in-law)
Scar (great-uncle-in-law)
Kion (mate)

Personality - Mia can be shy and quiet at first but once she gets to know you she can be really sweet, kind, and fun-loving, despite coming from Scar's Pride. Yet she is sassy, witty, moody, and a little bit hot-headed at times she's also very stubborn and does not like being told what to do, especially by male lions who as she quotes "Think that they can dominate over us all" She also has a very lady-like side with hatred of mud, dirt, and bugs but she's also the most sporty out of any of the members of the lion guard and despite her hate for getting dirty, she would do anything to protect the Pride lands.

Appearance - Mia is a very beautiful
and attractive young lioness she has the normal female lion colors with the addition of her light purple eyes and a beauty mark on the right side of her eye also on the right side she has a little scar underneath her right paw and a scar on the left side of her eye and a flower on her ear.

Relationships & Family - Although Mia is such a likable young lion her different. Her Mother Adira Queen of the BackLands is Zira's sister which would make Mia her niece and that would also make Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu her cousins who she would go visit in the Outlands sometimes. Because of what happened with her dad and Rani Mia has a hard time trusting other animals for fear that they would betray her.

Mia & Kovu
Out of all of her cousins, Mia has had an extremely close bond with Kovu since the moment Mia was born she went straight to him, and ever since those two were always together. They both share lots of things in common like both being the "not evil" members of the family when they were little cubs they would go off and have so much fun together. Although at times Mia did see him as a little bit of embarrassment because other animals thought she was a spoiled princess and needed a bodyguard to go everywhere with her besides that, these two were the best of cousins ever.

Mia & Vitani
Vitani didn't show much interest when Mia was born and she didn't like how it went, Mia visited them in the Outlands and would tell them about how great the BackLands are it's easy to say Vitani was jealous that Mia got a perfect life and destiny to be queen while her family is banished to the Outlands.

⚠️ A little disclaimer I don't wanna spoil 🤫 much about the story so I'm gonna stop right here sorry 😔

Mia & Nuka
Just like Vitani Nuka wasn't interested in Mia at all when she was born when Queen Adira was introducing Mia to her cousins she looked scared around at him and he along with Vitani wasn't happy when Mia preferred to hang out with their little brother Kovu over them you could say they were over often jealous of there friendship.

Mia & Zira
Zira may be Mia's aunt but it doesn't mean she likes her she didn't bother to show up when she was born because she hated her sister that much. And she didn't like it when Mia would come to visit them in the outlands every rainy season since she knew Mia would be a queen one day she thought it would be a good trainer to be a killer just like she's teaching Kovu to get revenge on Simba for Scar but unfortunately for her, Mia was less naive than the rest of her family and she tried to keep her distance from her family and would often rebel against and go off on her own in the outlands that's how she met Kion in the first place.

Mia doesn't have a father any more thanks to her old childhood friend Rani he saves them from some vicious leopards which come later in the story. Plus Mia was a total daddy's girl 🥹😊

Love Interest 💕
Who is more worthy to be with the Princessa other than Kion? They first met in the Outlands at first glance
Mia didn't seem like a princess so, of course, Kion didn't believe her he thought there was no way that the princess of BackLands would be stuck in the Outlands, and on top of that their families had too much history. However, Mia couldn't take her eyes off of him, and although not known him for only a few minutes she ended up crying and venting about everything that happened to him, Kion being him felt sorry for her (but not in a pitiful way) he invited her to stay in Pridelands...

⚠️ Another little disclaimer that I'm not gonna spoil anything that's going to happen in the movie/book so this is just a short part of the relationship you'll see develop more as I keep on writing the story so that's all I have for them right now sorry.

And that's it I hope you guys enjoy learning about Princess Mia I still have some things to fix and to find a good name for her father I couldn't find the right one so I'm open to any suggestions. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 will be posted later this month along with the others.

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