|Chapter 02|Azaan

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The light yellow sunlight was beaming across the whole sky now. The clock was ticking and it made a ding sound as it hit 9:00 am in the morning. Qureshi house was always in a hustle bustle. They were always cheerful and their mornings were always filled with loud chatter, comedic jokes and teasing siblings. They all lived like a one small family holding no grudges to each other which was quite rare now in this cruel time where everyone just finding weak points of people to get back at them. Nowadays, people don't really care even about their own blood. Money had made even close relatives distant to each other. Everyone just craved for money in this time. They had made money their everything. But they don't know in the long run of earning and making money, they're getting very far from their own well wishers. But that's human nature. One only can understand the lesson when got hit hard. Otherwise it's all mere words.
As I took a shower and changed into my grey color three piece suit, I combed my hairs with the brush that was lying on my neat and clean dresser. I'm a clean freak. I don't like even a feather of dust in my room. Call me freak but I do have a spare dustbin in my room placed in a corner so that I can easily threw garbage in it rather than walking down the stairs or throwing it anywhere in the room. After applying my perfume and wearing watch, I grabbed my wallet, coat and the most important thing nowadays, my Phone. Phone had become addiction these days and I'm not an exception in that. Always getting business calls compelled me to have phone with me everytime. As much as I hate it, I can't deny it that I also can't live even a second without my phone. I jogged down the stairs as the dining hall came into my view. My family were sitting there chattering loudly. I quietly sneaked and ruffled my younger and only sister's hairs. Rabia gasped out loud and shrieked in pure horror to mama
"Mama look bhai again ruined my perfectly combed hairs."
She pouted and mama just rolled her eyes as she was quite used to it now. I smiled and smirked in her direction. She shoot daggers in my direction but kept my gaze ahead not meeting her making her go crazy with anger. She lightly smacked me under the table making me dropped the spoon which made a loud sound as it directly landed on Mama's precious glass plates. Mama glared at us as she knew what had happened but before she could say anything or probably scold us, my aunt Nazish cut her off
"Rehne de bhabhi, bacche hain."
(Forget it bhabhi. They are kids)
Mama let it slid and sat down back on her chair. I beamed at my aunt and she just nodded in response. She always had our back. Being a widow at since a young age took a toll on her but she was strong enough to not let it took control of her health and that's why I had gained more respect for my aunt. She is a woman of steel. Every other women is. They are powerful because it's not an easy task to handle a household without any complain. I turned to mama who was now serving me breakfast, an old habit of her which she still do. I questioned her
"Where's dad? I didn't see him."
Mama sighed and answered dejectedly
"You know how workaholic your father is. One call from work had him running on his feet to the company and that too with an empty stomach."
Mama always kept worrying for dad as he often neglected his health due to work. Mama and dad fought on that matter so many times as she cared for him too much and he being the grateful person always appreciated it but sometimes he gave priority to his work more than he actually should. I immediately changed the topic not wanting to create a havoc and asked phupoo(Aunt)
"Phupoo, is Zahaan still sleeping?"
Nazish nodded her head and stated with a heavy sigh
"I don't understand when he will grow up. I told him to wake up early but this boy never listens to me."
I stood up as I completed my meal and headed off to stairs but before that Rabia pipped
"Bhai can you drop me to my university?"
As much as I wanted to, I declined and informed them
"I can't today. I am going on a survey in the school. Sorry bubbles."
She shook her head and her eyes glint with pride as she said
"I am proud of you, bhai. The thing you're doing is well appreciated."
I'm a social worker and did that thing secretly. I don't do it to show off people. I do it for my inner peace and to please the Almighty. I wanted to make my Akhira better. I patted her head in a brotherly manner and head upstairs. I came to my cousin's room and barged inside and found him sleeping in a weird posture. I rolled my eyes as I noticed the messy room. Zahaan and his laziness!Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind and I took ahold of the water jug in my hand. I smirked evilly as I dropped the water from the jug straight on his face. He instantly woke up with a jerk coughing loudly spitting water. I broke into hysterics at seeing his dis-oriented face and he glared hard at me. He wiped his face with his hands and asked me more like barked at me
"Why did you do that!!"
I regained my posture and just shrugged. Zahaan closed his eyes shut probably trying to control the bomb ticking inside his head. He faked smiled at me and mocked me
"If your majesty had done with his stupid badmaashi than can he tell me why he grace me with his presence first thing in the morning?"
Badmaashi: mischief
I checked my watch and informed him
"You have only 30 minutes to get ready and reach office. Also, you have to drop Rabia to her uni as I can't."
Zahaan nodded finally looking awake now. He stood up from his place and again threw a sarcastic remark at me
"Will you please now leave my room or are you planning on staying here Forever?"
I rolled my eyes and left the room. Zahaan and I almost shared the bro- type relationship. We are each other secret diaries. He is not only my cousin but my brother too which I never had and same goes for him. Whatever we did before was just our way of expressing love to each other. Weird, I know. I finally walked down and mama was standing there reciting surahs and when I reached to her, she blew them on my face and kissed my forehead. I love this woman so much. She smiled and said
"I have asked the driver to put all the things in the car. May Allah protect you. Ameen."
I kissed her cheek and then bade my farewell to everyone. I climbed in the back of my car which was now riding to the school. I funded this school in name of my late grandfather. He always wanted to open a school but life didn't allow him. But now I have fulfill his long wish and I wished that now my grandparents are in a better place. I reached my destination and finally climbed Down and helped the driver to unload the essential products mama brought for school.
The moment I entered inside, the school principal greeted me and likewise. She was an average age woman and had her dupatta draped on her head. She welcomed me
"Welcome Mr. Qureshi. We are pleased that you pay us a visit."
I nodded and asked her about the affairs of school
"Is everything running smoothly or are you facing any trouble?"
She shook her head and assured me
"Never sir. You always kept track of things. I sincerely thank you as the children studying here are very talented and intelligent."
A heartfelt smile made its way on my lips. Children are a country's future and we should do our best to provide them with the best and suitable education. As I passed the long corridor I could hear the chorus voices of children studying. I felt proud as those voices were a clear evidence that students education is safe here. As I passed the classes,I stopped at one particular class. The teacher was giving students a lecture on honesty and they were listening to her attentively. All of them were focused on her voice and I also unconsciously found myself lost in her voice. It was sweet...as sweet as honey. Every word she spoke was clear and had said delicately. A smiled grazed her lips as students ask her questions. She answered in a very motherly gentle voice. She was simple. Her face was filled with only a minimum makeup enhancing her natural features. The white dress was adding more to her simplicity. She was the epitome of simplicity and I found myself getting fond of her voice as I slowly and gradually slipped into the ocean of her sugary sweet voice...

(The suit Azaan is wearing)***

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(The suit Azaan is wearing)

I'm done for today's update. Let me know if you liked it in the comment section. Please share vote and comment. It will give me motivation to keep writing.
I will post the next chapter soon. Till then remember me in your prayers.
Take care. Lots of love
Allah Hafiz

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