|Chapter 32| Crumbling Down

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Hey guys, I know I'm very late but I was sick and then this stupid writer's block stole all my will to write. But I'm back and writing another interesting chapter for you. Hope you appreciate my efforts..
"How the hell did it happen?"
I practically shouted at my employees. They were careless and not taking their work seriously. They all looked terrified as my temper had no bounds. How is this even possible? Our company lost another deal in a matter of a week only. This is the third deal that we lost. It shouldn't have happened. Everything is getting so out of hands. When I didn't get any response, I clenched my fists and asked them through gritted teeth
"Will you all answer me or are you going to stand there like a statue?"
They visibly flinched and soon one of them grabbed the courage to answer me. His voice was cracked and fear was evident in it
"Sir....the clients said that...tha... that they had already seen those designs and said that the other companies have the similar designs in cheaper prices. They don't wish to buy ours when they are getting the exact same designs with better quality in half price than ours."
This is pathetic. How could this be? It's next to impossible. Our designs were purely confidential. How the heck did the other companies have the same designs as us? It's not possible. I turned to security department and they all trembled. My voice was silent but the authority was evident
"Will you care to explain this?"
I have given them a single job to track down the mole and keep a strict eye on every person may it be my closest people. I can't trust anyone right now. They all looked afraid of my anger and decided to remained quiet. Too bad. It's a wrong move. When I didn't get any response, I slammed the table and everyone present flinched. They looked terribly terrified. I closed my eyes to calm myself down and said
"Is there none of you who would take the responsibility? Why are you here for? How is this still happening? Weren't you the one who said that the situation is under control? Then how the hell the rival company got the exact same designs as us?"
I turned to the head of the security department and he shifted uncomfortably in his position. I smirked. I walked to him and stood just infront of him. He has his eyes down-casted. I kept looking at him and then he looked at me. His eyes has fear and he knew he had messed up pretty bad. I crossed my arm around my chest and questioned
"Care to explain, Mr. Pine?"
Mr. Pine looked at me and gulped. He sighed and answered
"Sir, we did our best."
I scoffed. What a pathetic joke of the year? I then seethed at him
"Is that what you call your best? We have lost three important deals in a matter of only a week and you're saying you did your best."
I was barely controlling myself. They all are just making excuses. Mr. Pine looked ashamed and apologized
"We are....are...sorry sir. We will not give you another chance of complaint."
I sighed. They are working for me since many years. I know they are doing their best. But if I didn't pressurize them than no one will be able to track down the mole. I nodded my head and declared
"You have one week. One week only! Keep your strict eye on everyone. Even if you want to check their back accounts. Do it. I want to know every single detail about the workers in this office. Anyone can be a mole. I need every and I mean every single possible detail weather it be small or big. You all understand me?"
They all nodded and I dismissed them. I sat down back on the chair and rubbed my temples. A headache was forming and it's really hurting. Ya Allah! Please give me patience. Grant me a solution for this problem.
Author's POV
It was eleven in the night. There was no trace of Azaan whatsoever. His phone was switched off since evening. Everyone in the house has slept as Mirha had made an excuse that Azaan informed her beforehand about coming late. Farah was a little hesitant but decided to trust her daughter in law and went to sleep. Mirha was now pacing to and fro in the lounge. She kept trying calling him but he was not attending any of her calls. She was getting utter worried. He never behaved like that. He always managed to leave a message in order to not bother her. She again tried calling him but no avail. Suddenly, she heard the car horn. She immediately stood up from her place and looked towards the door hopefully. But her smile faltered when Zahaan entered inside. She sighed dejectedly and Zahaan was pretty amazed to see her there. He then asked her worriedly
"Why are you standing here, bhabhi? Is something wrong?"
Mirha looked at him and asked him
"Are you coming from office?"
But he shook his head and answered
"No,I left office early. I went to bring necessary stuff for kitchen."
She shrugged and her posture went stiff. Where are you, Azaan? Zahaan noticed her worrisome expressions and decided to ask her
"Bhabhi, clearly something is not right..if you want you can share with me."
She looked at him and finally decided to speak
"Zahaan, Azaan hadn't arrived home yet. His phone is also switched off since evening. Do you know where he is?"
He looked somewhat confused. Mirha noticed it and interrogated
"What's wrong?"
Zahaan cleared his throat and answered
"Look bhabhi, Azaan had told me that he'll leave soon. I don't know why he didn't arrive home yet. But I assure you everything will be ok."
But she was far too gone to understand anything. She just want to see him. It's been a week since she last saw him. Since the day she was staying at her mum's place, Azaan had only came once to meet her. She could tell from his looks that he was tensed about something. His tired eyes, sagged shoulders were pure evidence to her that something is clearly wrong. She turned to Zahaan and finally asked him
"Zahaan, I know something is wrong. Something is not right here and I want you to tell me everything. Please just tell me everything."
Zahaan looked in a dilemma. He want to share everything but he knew it's not his place to tell her. It would only be right to listen all the matter from Azaan's mouth. He shook his head Nas stated guiltly
"Bhabhi, I know you're worried for him. But it would be correct if Azaan bhai himself told you about the matter. You should ask him. He will tell you everything."
Mirha looked at him hopelessly. She shook her head and stated
"He will never tell me. I kept asking him but he kept running away from me. He doesn't want to share anything with me."
Zahaan shook his head and tried to understand her
"No, you're thinking entirely wrong. I have seen him. He kept worrying for you every time. He felt bad for not telling anything to you. But he doesn't want to worry him anymore than you already are."
She sighed and cleared her point
"But it will be good for him to share it with someone else. It will lessen his burden."
Zahaan nodded his head. He sighed and stated
"Bhabhi, be patient. He will tell.you everything. Don't worry."
She nodded her head and passed him a smile. She sighed and said
"I think you should go and rest. I apologize for wasting your time."
But Zahaan was quick to refuse
"Nonsense, bhabhi. You're like a sister to me. If Azaan didn't come in the next hour than feel free to call me. I'll give him a ear."
She laughed a little and soon Zahaan went towards the way to his room. Mirha looked at the clock and it was now close to midnight. She sat down on the sofa and started reciting Quranic verses. She prayed to God
"Oh my Allah. Please keep him safe. Let him reach home safe and sound."

I parked the car at the garage. My body was aching from fatigue right now. I left the office at the evening but the stupid traffic got me stuck in it for straight 3 hours. Traffic, these days! My phone was out of the battery too. All the bad things are happening to me at the same time. What kind of a test is this, my Lord? Give me enough strength to handle this. I stepped out of the car and made my way to the house. As I opened the door, I saw Mirha pacing in the lounge looking hell worried. When she heard the door opening, her head whipped in my direction and I could clearly see her posture getting relaxed. She ran towards me and engulfed me in a tight embrace. I stumbled back due to unexpected force but I balanced myself and hugged her back. She was hugging me so tight that I got afraid that something is wrong. I rubbed her back and caressed her hairs. She was sobbing now and that was enough to alert me. I pulled away from the hug and made her look at me. Her eyes were swollen and red. I wiped her tears and asked her worriedly
"Were you crying? Did something happen?"
She nodded her head and then stated
"You! Why weren't you attending my calls? Do you even know how much I was worried?"
She blabbered all the things in one single breath. I sighed and looked at her guilty. I know I did wrong. She was just trying to mend everything and I like a coward was running away from her. I sighed heavily and apologized to her
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I promise."
She looked at me for sometime than said
"Ok. I understand but don't you ever do that again. I was really scared."
I nodded my head at her and promised her
"I promise. I won't make your worried anymore."
She sniffled and covered her face. Probably, she was embarrassed. I uncovered her face and cupped her cheeks in my palms. I gazed directly into her eyes and assured her
"Hey, you don't have to embarrassed. I understand that you were worried. But never and I mean never hide your emotions from me. I want to be the first one whom you can share all your problems with. You get it?"
She nodded her head and then said
"Azaan, I know something is wrong. You are not sharing it with me but I am not dumb to not notice anything. Please just please tell me."
I looked away. I dearly want to tell everything but I can't Mirha. I can burdenise you more than you are already are. I want you to be tension free atleast from my side. When she didn't get any response, she stated
"Ok, take your time. I'm not forcing you. But Azaan sharing you problem will help. If you don't want to share it with me than I don't mind it at all."
But I shook my head violently and said
"No no. You're getting it wrong. It's not like that. But....can you give me some time. Please?"
She nodded her head and then asked me
"Do you want to eat anything?"
I shook my head and she said
"But you haven't eaten anything since morning. Are you going to make yourself sick?"
I laughed at her tactic and said
"Relax, my impatient wife. I already ate at a meeting with the clients. Did you eat your food?"
She nodded her head and then said
"But I'll make you coffee and you can't refuse it."
I nodded my head and said
"I was in a dire need to coffee right now. You understand me really."
She chuckled and went inside the kitchen. I climbed upstairs and saw that Eshal's bedroom door was opened. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard her talking to someone
"Don't worry. He won't know anything. He will never know. Just do your work properly, ok."
What she is saying? Who can't know anything? Something is odd here. I need find out. Is it possible that the mole is not from outside but someone from the inside?.....
That's is guys. I hope you like it. I'm sorry once again for not updating but I was sick and didn't have the energy to write.
Do vote share and comment.
Till then loads of love
Allah Hafiz

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