|Chapter 25| Liking and Curiosity

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Hey guys, I hope you like the chapter. I know I'm not updating frequently as I should but literally college is sucking the life out of me. I got very little time for myself. When I got free at night, I have no power to even lift my fingers. But I'll try to update as fast as I can. But bare with me for few days. I'll manage everything soon..
Her eyes! They were brown not an extraordinary shade but that brown in just so addicting that one can easily lost himself in those. The sparkle her eyes contain whenever I met her. Her eyes spoke everything about her. She is a warrior, I know for sure. I saw the passion in her eyes. It's like she is a wonder woman without a shield. I had seen how passionate she seems for her work. I heard from Mirha Bhabhi that Maha is looking for a job. She had done fine arts in designing and coincidentally I am also looking for a designer as our previous designer left as he was shifting to another city. Maybe, it's a chance for me to get close to her. Should I talk to bhabhi about it first? I don't know. What will she think? Ya Allah please show me the right way. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize when Rabia entered inside. She looked like she came directly from university. She placed her bag on the chair and sat down. She heaved a loud sigh and drank water from the jug. I looked at her with raised eyebrows causing her to explain herself
"Well, I wanted to take taxi but my friend offered a ride and her car broke down near the company so here am I."
She wiggled her eyebrows at me in the end. Rabia was always really free with me. We were both crime partners. Well, we still are. We love to tease mama, tayi and of course, my pyara Bhai Jan ( my sweet brother). We both mostly enjoy irritating Azaan. He was always the reserved and closed one. He kept to himself and we love to push his buttons. The way his face reddened and he would lash out at us but one puppy eyes look from his little sister and he would go like
'Oh my little pumpkin how could I be angry at you now?'
I heard Rabia huffed and she spoke
"Bro, seriously what's wrong? Where are you lost?"
I cleared my throat and leaned onto the table. I stared at her and asked her with sarcasm dripping from my voice
"So tell me cousin dearest what help do you want from me?"
Rabia giggled and said
"Well, can you please drop me to home?"
I scoffed and said
"Kiddo you can ask for your brother. He will drop you. I have work."
I was lying. I don't have work. I just like to push her buttons. She threw me a deadly glare and said
"Bhai, you're seriously not saying this."
I shrugged causing her to gasp loudly. She covered her face with her palms and said
"But Azaan bhai isn't here yet. And you know he'll go all lecture on me. Please just once. Please please."
She began her rant and I finally put a stop to it
"Ok, fine kiddo. I'll drop you."
She instantly became happy and hi fied in air. I looked at her weirdly. She stood up and follow me to the car. We both sat down and she opened the radio of the car without my permission. Of course, why would she need permission? She'd been doing this since she first sat with me. I just shook my head and started to drive. When we reach home, I stopped the car but before she could step down I spoke up
"Sometimes I thought you use me as your driver, kiddo."
Rabia chuckled and teased
"I didn't know you would find it this early."
With that said, she ran inside the house. I laughed watching her excitement. She is a ball of sunshine. I shook my head and drove back to the office. Well back to the work now....
Well, I parked the car at the doorstep of Eshal's friend. Eshal opened the door and stepped down. She leaned towards my window making me cowered backward. Mirha also looked uncomfortable and Eshal thanked me
"Thank you so much for dropping me. I again apologize for disturbing you both."
As I was about to reply, Mirha beat me to it
"No it's ok. Enjoy your visit."
She passed her a welcoming smile and soon Eshal disappeared from our sight. I heaved a sigh and closed my eyes for sometime. I don't know what is Eshal up to? Her behavior is strange and made me wonder. She is not acting like herself. I was jerked away from my thoughts when Mirha gently touched my shoulder and asked worried
"Is something wrong? You look disturbed."
I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her eyes held pure concern and it made my heart melt. I shook my head and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She smiled and stated
"Whatever is worrying you, don't think too much about it. It's not worth your time."
I chuckled and said
"Alright, ma'am."
She blushed and looked away. It's so easy to make her blush. She averted her gaze and I started driving again. Soon, we reached the grocery store and she stepped down. I also stepped down and walked to her. She stared at me puzzled and I asked
"What's wrong? Are you ok?"
She nodded her head so I continued
"So, let's go."
She looked at me with wide eyes and said
"You wanna go inside with me?"
She asked. I nodded my head totally not understanding what she wants to say. Mirha shook her head and I asked her
"Do you not want me to go inside with you?"
She didn't reply so I understand that she is feeling bad to deny me. I smiled and lifted up her chin. She kept looking down so I said
"Relax. If you're feeling uncomfortable than I won't go inside. You can go freely."
Her eyes shot up to me and she asked
"You don't mind?"
I nodded my head and told her
"Yes. You can rest assured."
An adorable smile made its way on her lips and she said
"Ok. I'll be back within 15 minutes."
I chuckled looking at her excitement and she went inside. I leaned on the bonnet of the car and scrolled down my phone. It was exact 15 minutes after when I saw Mirha walking in my direction. She was holding a black bag in her hand probably contained the things she needed to buy. She smiled in my direction and I smiled back. But my smile faltered when I saw a speedy bicyclist coming in her way. Before I could do anything, it collide with her losing its balance and she fell down with her bag lying on the other side. I instantly ran towards her. She was half lying. The bicyclist stood up but before he could say anything, I held him from the collar and shouted
"What the hell we're you watching? Can't you see?"
He looked taken aback my by outburst but I was only seeing red. She must be hurt. The bicyclist looked guilty and said
"I deeply apologize. I'm sorry."
I threw him back and he stumbled. I looked at him and warned him
"You're young otherwise I would have make you regret doing that."
He gulped harder and rode away before muttering another series of apologies. I immediately turned to Mirha and she was now caressing he elbow. She looked shaken as she was taking deep breaths. I cupped her face with my hands and made her looked at me. Her anxious eyes were making my heart clench. She looked at me and I softly spoke to her
"Hey relax. It's ok. You're fine."
She sighed deeply and I caressed her face. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to control her breathing as it was ragged and harsh. I helped her stood up and walked her to the car. I opened the door and she slid inside. I then took the bag from the ground and placed it at the back seat. She was now calm and quiet. I also sat down inside the car and drove back to the home. She was all quite and I kept taking glances at her. She was shocked maybe. I have to check her injury too. She didn't say it but I know she is hurt. I fisted my hands and tried not to lash out. As we reach home, she turned to me and said meekly
"Don't tell anyone."
I looked at her puzzled and asked her
"Why not?"
She just shook her head and said
"Everyone will be worried. I don't want to ruin the atmosphere. Please Azaan."
I nodded my head and assured her
"Relax. I won't tell them anything. Just take a deep breath and calm yourself down."
She took a deep breath and I helped her stepping down. We both made our way to the front door and I opened the gate. When we reach the living area, I found Mama, phupoo and Chachi sitting together. They were normally chatting but stopped when they saw us. Naz phupoo asked us
"What took you so long? We were waiting since an hour?"
Mirha and I shared a glance. I stopped the car at a nearby park to have her relaxed in the fresh air. She really needed that. I then cover it
"We stopped to buy some fruits. But didn't find any of good quality."
Phupoo nodded her head and invited Mirha
"C'mon Mirha, join us. We're talking about Azaan's childhood."
Mirha looked at me and her eyes said it all. She needed rest. She pleaded me silently with her eyes so I cleared my throat and said
"She is a little tired. She didn't sleep well last night."
Mama instantly asked her
"Mirha, are you sick beta?"
She shook her head and clarified
"No Ammi. I'm ok. It's just a headache."
Mama then told her
"Beta, Jao aur Jake dher Sara aaram kro."
Translation ( child go and take alot of rest.)
Mirha thanked her and we made our way upstairs. But I noticed Chachi making a sour face whilst staring at Mirha. What problem Chachi has with her?......
It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't shaken. I was shaken up badly it all happened really fast that I didn't even get the chance to interpret anything. My elbow grazed down the uneven road and it was scratched. It didn't pain much but the stings are worse. As we made our way upstairs, Azaan made me sat on the bed. He looked worried. His eyes tells it all. He gave me water and quickly gulped it down. He knelt beside me and asked me softly
"Are you hurt anywhere?"
I remained quiet. I don't want to make him more worried than this. But he seemed to understand that and strictly said
"Mirha, don't hide it from me. Just tell me."
I finally gave up and rose my sleeves up till my elbow. It was just a scratch nothing serious at all. Azaan examined it and exhaled. He then stated
"Thank God it wasn't that serious. Is that all?"
I nodded my head and he sighed. He opened the drawer and took out the first aid kid. I spoke up
"It's not needed. It's just a small scratch."
But he ignored me and dabbed the cotton into the medicine and applied it. I hissed as it stings so he blew it to make it bearable. He is so caring. I am very lucky to have him as my husband. I saw the pure concern for me in his eyes. The way he lashed out at that boy made my heart flutter. The way he always understood what I meant. He is just perfect and I thanked Allah million times for granting me such a loving and caring husband. After finishing the first aid, he kept it back and said
"I will not go anywhere. I will stay with you."
But I know how to deal with him. I shook my head and said
"No don't neglect your work. I'm fine and fit. Just go to your office."
But he was not buying it so I used my trick
"Please Azaan. If you don't go than I'll feel bad for the whole day that you miss your work because of me."
He looked at me for a while and then said
"Ok just for you."
I smiled and nodded my head. He stood up and kissed my forehead. My heart fluttered again and picked up it's pace. He smiled and said
"If you need anything I'm just one call away. Take care."
I nodded my head and soon he exited the room. Ya Allah always keep him in your protection. I smiled and laid down on the bed for some much needed rest....
That's for today guys. I know my updating schedule is pretty messed up but I'll manage it soon. Don't worry. Do vote share and comment. Silent readers please comment.
Take care loads of love
Allah Hafiz

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